Did Owen Wilson Come Between Kate and Chris?

Gentle readers, I have been working on this post for days, but it has been slow going, because reporting on this is just very difficult for me. I mean, I gasped aloud when I heard the news that Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson were splitting. They seemed like such a happy little hippie family! I was so sure they would stick together forever like Goldie and Kurt and pop out more long-haired babies! ...And yet, I have to admit that the thought of Owen Wilson almost immediately flashed through my mind. Still, I was shocked—shocked!—when this hunch was immediately validated by an Us cover story alleging a Kate-Owen affair! {Source}
Whew. Okay. Deep breaths. You see how this is all very emotional, dear readers. And when I set out to unravel the astrological strands that form this tangled web, I felt even more heartbroken. You see, Kate and Chris really do have some amazing connections in their charts. But it might just be that what they have in common—a freewheeling, free-spirited fire-sign aversion to commitment—is what allowed them to drift apart. And with a sexy Sun-Neptune Scorpio like Owen waiting in the wings, Kate might just have drifted in his direction.
Kate's & Chris' Suns are in a close trine in fire signs Aries and Sagittarius, ensuring a harmonious vibe between them of the free-and-easy kind. Their Mars oppose each other in Aries/Libra, forging a strong sexual connection that is reinforced by Chris' Venus in Capricorn squaring both their Mars. Depending on his time of birth, Chris' Aries Moon could conjunct Kate's Mercury and/or Mars.
Their Jupiters are in an out-of-sign conjunction (hers in late Cancer, his in early Leo), suggesting that they can support and encourage each other's evolution process even though their individual styles of dealing with growth experiences may be very different. Chris' Saturn in Pisces on Kate's Venus describes the age difference in their relationship but also suggests him playing the role of spiritual teacher. And oh yeah, the Pisces influence adds to their freewheeling hippie-dippie energy.
These connections seem so positive, but with all that passionate, impulsive fire energy, the relationship is bound to be tempestuous as well. The Mars opposition makes for great sex, but can also cause them to butt heads in fierce arguments. (Bet the make-up sex was amazing, though.) Aries (where Kate has Mercury as well as the Sun and Mars) are known for starting things they don't finish while Sagittarius is the quintessential "babe, I've got to ramble on" rock star sign. While their connection may have been based in large part on them both being seekers, that very restlessness also looks to be the reason they ultimately went in different directions.
It's worth noting that there is a significant cosmic challenge posed in Kate's natal chart. Her T-square between the Sun, Moon and Jupiter at 29° of cardinal signs is very karmic and suggests a kind of urgency. As I have remarked before, the 29th and final degree of a sign contains an anxiety about bringing closure, completion or fulfillment to the affairs of that sign. To have both luminaries there (including the Moon, ruler of the Cancer Ascendant) in a challenging configuration with Jupiter on the Ascendant is an interesting clue to Kate's purpose in life. She really has to struggle to define her identity (perhaps, given the Moon emphasis, to differentiate herself from her mother) and feels an almost desperate yearning toward personal growth and new horizons. It's no wonder that someone with this formation in her horoscope would feel constantly compelled to strike out in new directions.
Interestingly, Owen Wilson also has his Mars in Libra, opposite Kate's Mars and squaring her Venus, creating a great possibility of sexual chemistry between them as well. See Owen Wilson's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) Owen also has an expansive, explosive conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus opposing Kate's Mercury-Mars, undoubtedly bringing a huge sense of excitement and mental stimulation into her life. All the wild, unpredictable energy of these three planets meeting in romantic Libra might just sweep Kate off her feet.
Owen's birth time is unknown, but if I had to guess, I would peg it around 9:00 AM CST. This would give Owen a Sagittarius Ascendant, describing his long, lanky physique and equine face as well as the laid-back-dude persona he puts out. (A second possibility would be an Aries Ascendant, describing his famously prominent nose, but to my mind that doesn't illustrate his ambling style.) This Ascendant would put Owen's Sun in the 11th house, fitting the wackily Aquarian cast to his personality; he always seems to choose characters who flout convention. His Libra stellium would end up in the 9th house, with Mars conjunct the Midheaven, reinforcing that Sagittarius vibe... and, perhaps tellingly, his Moon in early Scorpio would form an out-of-sign grand cross with Kate's cardinal T-square. Alternatively, if Owen were born a few minutes before 5:00 AM CST, the Moon would conjunct the Ascendant at 29° Libra and form an exact grand cross with Kate's T-square. I still lean toward a Sagittarius Ascendant for Owen, but I'm open. (Thoughts, readers?)
Regardless of his exact time of birth, it doesn't get much dreamier than a man with a Sun-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio (which certainly explains Owen's odd charm and sex-symbol status in spite of the fact that he's hardly a conventional specimen of studhood). His Mars in Libra is clearly Kate's "type," and Jupiter and Uranus just add to the excitement. But as to whether they have any long-term potential, I'd say it hinges largely on Owen's Moon sign. If he was born after 5:00 AM as a double Scorpio, especially later in the day with the Moon out of aspect to Kate's Sun, they are most likely too fundamentally different to make it work, and this could just be a rebound fling. But if indeed Owen does have his Moon in late Libra, Kate could be just the woman to overcome his commitment anxiety. Her Cancer Ascendant trines his Sun-Neptune, and her Capricorn Moon sextiles them, so the reports that he is smitten could very well be true. Stay tuned....
Meanwhile, I would like to point out to Chris Robinson, should he, in turn, be in pursuit of a rebound fling, that I too have Venus in Pisces and go for the scrungey-undernourished-rock-star look, and also that "Kate" sounds a lot like "Kitty" and if he were to accidentally mix up the two names, no one would be the wiser. Just throwing that out there. Ahem.... Well, dear readers, it looks like I have turned a corner in the mourning process—thanks so much for letting me work through all this!
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