CelebAstroBlogy 2006 Emmy Forecast: Best Actor - Comedy

Gentle readers, it is awards time again. Apparently this year's Emmys were scheduled for the slowest TV month of the year in what seems to me a rather backasswards attempt to garner attention. What the network brass apparently did not consider is that the reason August is a slump month is that most people would rather be outside doing things than watching TV (except when Project Runway is on, of course) or, for that matter, gathering copious amounts of birth data to make predictions about awards shows. Luckily (?) for me, the weather is crappy today, and other than the ridiculous volume of work I am procrastinating to avoid, there is nothing to keep me from the task of predicting this year's Emmy winners.
Now, when I went through this earlier this year with the Oscars, I vowed to myself that I would make the process simpler and easier next time around. I simply will never get back the minutes of my life I spent doing David Strathairn's birth chart, and while my system of picking the Best Picture winner based on the film's release date worked out well, it would be an absolute vale of tears to attempt such a feat with the various comedies, dramas, miniseries and TV movies nominated now. So, this post will be the first of four covering the four major acting categories; as for the shows, you're on your own.
Without preambling further, let's get to it.
And the nominees for Outstanding Actor in a Comedy are...
• Steve Carell, The Office ~ See
Steve Carell's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
• Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm ~ See
Larry David's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy;
no birth time)
• Kevin James, The King of Queens ~ See Kevin James's birth chart (astrozoom.com, no birth time)
• Tony Shalhoub, Monk ~ See Tony Shalhoub's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
• Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men ~ See Charlie Sheen's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Now, regular readers will know that I could not be more biased on this category because I am a huge fan of The Office and of Steve Carell. Had Jason Lee been nominated for My Name Is Earl, I might have been kinda torn, but the fact is that I desperately want my boy Steve to win. So, how's it looking? I like very much that on Emmy night, transiting Venus is closing in on an exact return to its natal position in Leo, not far from Steve's Sun, strongly suggesting an ego-gratifying reward. The transiting Sun will be right on Steve's Uranus, which could indicate a sudden surprise or reversal—that could go either way, as I'm not sure he's favored to win. Transiting Uranus on Steve's Chiron does not bode well for the surprise being a positive one, but perhaps Uranus' trine to transiting Jupiter, which is on Steve's Neptune, softens things a bit.
Don't get me wrong, I think Larry David is hilarious, too, and he even warranted a CelebAstroBlogy exclusive birth chart when I discovered his was not online. Since his birth time is not on file, this is a default sunrise chart that places his Moon in late Sagittarius, but given that pessimism is the keynote of his persona, my money would be on the Moon in Capricorn, perhaps opposing his Sun to create that constantly-thwarted element of his personality. As for the prospect of Emmy night thwartage, I'm afraid it looms large. On Emmy night, there is an aggravating square from transiting Mars to Larry's Venus-Uranus conjunction. Moreover, Larry went through his Saturn return not long ago, in June, and I just have a sense that his moment of reckoning has come and gone.
With Uranus retrograding over Kevin James' Saturn and opposing its natal position, I don't see him taking home the trophy. The Sun is trining his Sun-Venus conjunction in Taurus, but...eh. (The Sun is also on his Mars-Uranus, so I could see him getting kinda pissed about not winning.) Tony Shalhoub is getting no love from the planets on Emmy night, though the Moon will be passing over his stellium of Libra planets.
As for infamous Charlie Sheen, wow, his chart is a study unto itself... but bearing in mind that I have 15 more to look at before Sunday at 8pm, I must confine myself to his Emmy prospects. Like Kevin James, who was born less than six months earlier, Charlie has Uranus on his Saturn and opposing its natal position. A Jupiter-Sun sextile is nice, but, again, eh.
Forecast: If you're putting money on this, keep in mind that I am extremely biased by my overwhelming adoration of S.C. and The Office. But I'm really liking that Venus return/Venus-Sun conjunction in Leo for an acting award, and even with the Sun on his Uranus, I feel like that could signify the positive kind of upheaval that comes with winning a major award. Winner: Steve Carell
Read all of CelebAstroBlogy's 2006 Emmy Forecast:
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Labels: Awards Shows, Larry David
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