Are Lance and Matt a Couple?

The hottest new couple mono-moniker out there is Mance, coined by my gossip guru Ted Casablanca to describe the sudden BFFosity of party-hearty bachelors Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong. And America's collective gaydar has been pinging up a storm over these two buff workout buddies, no matter how many babes they bag when blitzed. Could L&M really be more than friends, warranting their nomenclatural union as Mance?
Well, right off the bat, a Scorpio, such as Matt is, would frankly be a much better match for a Virgo like Lance than his last girlfriend, Aquarian Sheryl Crow. And there are some interesting connections between their birth charts that, I must say, don't rule out a romance.
With both their Mars in Aquarius, Lance and Matt obviously share a hey-bro M.O. that allows them to get along easily. See Lance Armstrong's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Matthew McConaughey's birth chart (Astrotheme) That Aquarian Mars connection certainly describes their common athleticism and friendship. But where Mars is involved, there's also a suggestion of sexual tension, and there are quite a few Martian contacts between these two macho dudes.
Lance's Mars in Aquarius exactly squares Matt's Sun in Scorpio. Also, Lance's Venus in Libra exactly trines Matt's Mars in Aquarius and loosely conjuncts his Uranus in Libra. Could this hint at a kinky masculine relationship? Aquarius and (ahem) Uranus are certainly associated with homosexuality and unconventional sexual experimentation. The Venus-Mars trine is the kind of aspect that brings romantic and sexual chemistry, while Lance's Mars' square to Matt's intensely sexual Scorpio Sun could certainly cause sparks.
Hey, maybe all the jogging is the only thing hot, sweaty and topless that's going on between these two ... or maybe, just maybe, these he-man hijinks are an outlet for the Mars-on-Mars energy that dare not speak its name? The jury's still out, but if I saw those aspects in a straight couple's chart I wouldn't hesitate to declare them compatible (if perhaps tempestuous, as all that Mars can be volatile). Much as it pains me to admit that I might not have a chance with Matthew other than in a bearding capacity, I'm not gonna lie—that is one sex tape I would pay to watch.
• Matthew and Penelope: Opposites Attract...Then Argue
• Eating Crow
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Labels: Celebrity Couples
They have both been "straight" for so long, I bet they are doing some bi-sexual experimentation and/or wild sexcapages ala Colin Firth and Kevin Bacon in "Where the Truth Lies". Not a full-on gay couple, but swinging all over the place. There is still hope for you to be more than a beard to Matt.
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