Lindsay Lohan: Dumped During a Saturn-Venus Transit

My Lindsay Lohan Saturn-Venus breakup prediction has come true! Let the schadenfreude and own-horn-tooting begin! (Oh wait, it already has.) Thanks so much to reader Pluto for the heads-up that heirhead Harry Morton has dumped young Hollywood's premier train wreck in training, as evidenced by a sighting of LiLo "crying in the lobby at the Chateau Marmont Thursday night." {Source: Perez Hilton}
As faithful readers such as Pluto recall, I first predicted on the occasion of Lindsay's 20th birthday this past July that we could "expect to see Lindsay learn a hard lesson in love in mid-September, when transiting Saturn conjuncts her Venus." {Source}
When Lindsay began dating H.Mo later that month and landed her bikinied bottom in the hospital for quote-unquote dehydration amidst heavy partying, I reiterated and honed this prediction:
"As I mentioned in Linds's birthday forecast, September is set to bring some hard lessons in love when Saturn conjuncts Lindsay's Venus. Now that she has met hottie heirhead Harry Morton and finally established a relationship lasting longer than the time it takes to find her underwear balled up on the bedroom floor, signs point to him breaking her heart once the summer ends." {Source}
Gosh, the summer technically ended at 1:03AM today with the autumn equinox, so I guess I was slightly off there. Technically, Saturn's conjunction to Lindsay's Venus was exact on September 12. But eclipses often act as event triggers, which seems to be the case here. Harry evidently ditched La Linds Wednesday night, soon before the lunar eclipse (Lindsay's Cancer Sun is ruled by the Moon; her Leo Venus, by the Sun) in the last degree of Virgo that occured in the wee hours of Friday morning.
Time will tell if the second part of my prediction, which foretold Lindsay's descent into a self-medicating spiral following the breakup, will also come to pass. With transiting Saturn's trine to her natal Uranus, she might act out in a volatile, unpredictable way. It would be nice to think that since Saturn is also inconjunct Lindsay's Mars in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, she might clean up her act, straighten up and fly right. But with her professional rep already on the downslide thanks to Dehydrategate, and no non-sleazy adult role model in sight, LiLo could be in major trouble. Thanksgiving in rehab is definitely still on the table.
• Poll Results: When Will Lindsay Lohan Hit Bottom? (8/08/06)
• Poll of the Week: When Will Lindsay Lohan Hit Bottom? (7/31/06)
• Dehydration Deja Vu for Lindsay Lohan (7/28/06)
• Birthday Predictions for Lindsay Lohan: More Trouble Ahead? (4/30/06)
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Warning Signs for Lindsay Lohan (4/30/06)
• Lindsay
Lohan: Intervention Time Again! (4/23/06)
• Lindsay
Lohan's World Hospital Tour (2/1/06)
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Labels: Lindsay Lohan
Lindsey’s a mess.
Thanks for post.
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