Site Update: Spammers Ruin It for Everyone!

Gentle readers, I regret to announce that a recent splatter of filth on the comments area of CelebAstroBlogy has prompted me to enable comments moderation. This means that any comments posted on the site will be submitted for approval before they appear. I will do my best to approve and publish legit comments as soon as possible and definitely will not censor any opposing viewpoints... I just don't want to expose you all to vile junk postings that would make Dustin Diamond blush. Thanks for your patience!
P.S. For anyone who is interested (i.e. geeks like me), Blogger has introduced a beta version with new features; obviously, it would be sheer folly to attempt to migrate the site over during the Mercury retrograde, but as soon as it gets up to speed, stay tuned for functional enhancements to CelebAstroBlogy!
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