Madonna's Adopted Son: His Astrological Chart

With all the controversy around Madonna and Guy Ritchie's adoption of a Malawi boy named David Banda (Ciccone Ritchie), I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the tot's birth chart and find out how he fits in with his new family unit... or doesn't.
First, a note on birth data: As you might imagine, it is not so easy to get access to comprehensive birth records for impoverished Third World peoples from tiny rural villages. Wikipedia gives David's date of birth as September 24, 2005 {Source}, but does not narrow down a town of birth in Malawi. According to the Daily Telegraph, David comes from a village called Lipunga on the border with Zambia but was technically born in Zambia {Source}, but absent any mention of the name of the Zambian village, I have used Lipunga as the birthplace. If anyone comes across more details or different information, please email me or post a comment.
A full reading of David's chart will be forthcoming, along with an analysis of his relationship to his new parents and the current transits stirring up controversy in Madonna's life. But for now, here's David's natal chart to chew on....
See David Banda's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy; no birth time)
Stay tuned for the full scoop coming soon!
• "Like
a Virgin: Madonna and Virgo Rising" ~ CelebAstroBlogy's personality profile
of Madonna
• Why, Guy, Why? (2/05/06)
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Madonna
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