Celeb Birthdays: October 24

This morning before dawn (U.S. time), Venus joins the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. Jealous much?
Fashion designer Zac Posen is only 26?! How is that even possible? God, what have I done with my life? Why did I waste my youth watching TV and drinking beer? It seemed like such a good way to pass the time at the time! See Zac Posen's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
"The Boy Is Mine" co-singer Monica is also 26 today. FYI, in real life, a possessive Scorpio would totally beat a detached Aquarius like Brandy in a fight over a guy. No contest.
Okay, I know murderer Scott Peterson is not legitimately a celebrity, but it's always kind of interesting to look at psychos' charts, and you just know they're going to make a TV movie about him. Is Dean Cain too old to play him? Anyway, Scott turns 34 today. Check out that Mars-Uranus conjunction and the deceptive Neptune on the Ascendant. See Scott Peterson's birth chart (Astrotheme)
SVU's resident psychiatrist, B.D. Wong, who would no doubt have some brilliant insights about Scott Peterson, is 44. See B.D. Wong's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actor Kevin Kline is 59. See Kevin Kline's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actor F. Murray Abraham is 67. See F. Murray Abraham's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones hits 70 today. No doubt he's still chasing after 16-year-olds. See Bill Wyman's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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TMZ posted the birth certificate for Britneys second. Thank god she didn't really name him Sutton Pierce!! Time is 1:11am.
Sutton Pierce came from an US Weekly blog. Other celeb Bloggers caught on, then the next thing. The press announce it’s his name. LOL I agree, Sutton Pierce isn’t a great name. I like JJ. ;)
Dammit Britney, making more work for me!! ;)
An updated birth chart for Jayden will be up soon.....
Thanks much Pluto!
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