Martha and Her Man: Is It Getting Serious?
Back in March I reported on rumors that my beloved Martha Stewart was dating Microsoft exec Charles Simonyi, and affirmed that he would make a great match for her, with his Virgo Sun and Leo Venus the inverse of her Leo Sun and Venus in Virgo. {Full story} Now I am pleased to report that Martha has confirmed Charles is indeed her "man friend." {Source} Love it! Go M. Diddy!
Martha definitely deserves some happiness after all she's slogged through. With Pluto transiting her Sagittarius Moon since last year, Miss M. has been going through a period of emotional transformation, exploring what is at stake in being in control emotionally. She may be getting in touch with the free-spirited, adventurous, even spiritual (think prison-house yoga) aspects of her Sagittarian Moon.
In Martha's progressed chart, the Moon in loyal, Venus-ruled Taurus recently entered her natal 7th house of partnership. With the trauma and drama of her professional life behind her (transiting Saturn is in the 10th house, signifying a time of culmination and recognition for her tireless hard work), Martha may be ready for a long-term commitment.
This month's pile-up of Scorpio planets in Martha's 1st house should herald an exciting time for her, and not just because of all the baking and basting. The mood gets wicked romantic in mid-November when Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Scorpio. As this conjunction falls opposite Martha's Saturn-Uranus conjunction in the 7th house of one-on-one relationships, a surprise related to long-term commitment could be in store. I don't want to jinx my dear Martha by pegging it as a proposal, but let's just say that pretty soon, craft glitter might not be the only thing sparkling on her hands.
Related: An Excel-lent Match for Martha Stewart (3/11/06)
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