The Skinny on Nicole Richie

Let's get one thing straight here: Nicole Richie is not undergoing treatment for an eating disorder. Rather, she is "has decided to undergo diagnostic treatment to determine why she's not been putting on any weight." {Source} Exactly what this treatment might consist of is unclear. Blood tests to detect whether she has tapeworms? A white-coated clinical observer logging every line of coke she does on a clipboard? Truly, medical science is miraculous.
All snark aside, I must concede it's a good thing that Nicole is getting help for whatever her weight issues may be. Back in May, when she first acknowleged she has a problem, I discussed the way Virgo natives like Nicole tend to manifest stress and anxiety through eating or stomach problems. And this could be a good time for Nicole to address those issues. Stationary Mercury and transiting Jupiter are opposing her Chiron in Taurus, impelling her to confront her body image insecurities and offering opportunities for growth and healing. The juggernaut of planets passing through Scorpio this month will pass over Nicole's Venus, bringing her awareness to what she values and her sense of self-worth, before opposing Chiron as well. I'm thinking the kind of treatment she needs is therapy to delve deep into the psychic pain that is affecting her physical health. This may not be easy work to do, but as I noted upon Keith Urban's recent entry into rehab, Mercury's retrograde through Scorpio is the perfect time to do it.
Currently, transiting Uranus is forming an almost exact yod, or Y-shaped formation, out of Nicole's natal sextile between Mars and Saturn. She is feeling a strong pressure to break free from the confines of her usual M.O. and the structures of her life. As Uranus will station and turn direct in November within orb of this yod, the karmic configuration will be active in her chart until mid-January. Uranus shaking things up can be traumatic for a control-oriented Virgo, but maybe a shake-up is just what she needs to reestablish herself on a more solid, balanced footing.
Can Nicole Richie Make It On Her Own? (5/18/06)
Richie: Virgo, Stress and Eating (5/7/06)
Richie at Risk (2/1/06)
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