New Astrology and Celeb Gossip Online Features

Gentle readers, please excuse the momentary lapse in humility, but I am excited to announce a couple of my new projects aside from that you may be interested in checking out. just relaunched with a new design featuring an expanded astrology
section (written by yours truly) at
Now, in addition to daily horoscopes (,
you can check out your expanded monthly forecast including power days
and love days (
There’s also a complete zodiac compatibility chart letting you
know how each pair of signs gets along, as a love match and otherwise (
And to continue the tooting of my own horn, my (non-astrological) daily celebrity gossip column Scoop! in the SF and DC Examiner has been redesigned as a blog, so anyone who wasn’t feeling the PDF viewer can now check out all the daily items online at:
I greatly appreciate all y'all's patience through some recent patches of spotty updating, as I have been juggling new projects. I am so excited and grateful for the new opportunities that have come to me recently but regret that there have sometimes not been enough hours in the day to devote the time and energy to the blog I would wish. Hopefully I've gotten better at time management, and I am definitely committed to bringing you all the latest news on what's in the stars' stars. Again, thanks for bearing with me. Please keep checking back at regularly, and posting your comments and requests!
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