Lindsay Lohan: Rehab, Rebellion, and Uranus

Professional party girl Lindsay Lohan has hit her limit (as well as the pavement with her knees, and a tree with her car). Yes, LiLo is back in rehab, after a first try that she is reported to have sneered off as a P.R. damage control tactic. Now that she's received this latest barrage of wakeup calls, is Lindsay finally making a serious commitment to recovery this time? I'd like to say yes, but ... a look at her horoscope shows a lot of volatility that has not yet settled down. See Lindsay Lohan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
First, Uranus is about to station a degree away from the square to its natal position. Uranus is the "question authority," "you're not the boss of me" planet, and the first of the two Uranus squares in one's lifetime marks a period of transitioning -- bumpily -- from adolescence into, ideally, adulthood. As Robert Hand says of the Uranus square in his excellent book Planets in Transit, "Even if you do not go through an especially rebellious phase, this will still be a time of intense and rapid change, when you go out into the world without the comfort and security of doing what your elders tell you." While a gross understatement in Lindsay's case, this is certainly a dead-on assessment of the position in which she currently finds herself. Transiting Uranus is also four degrees shy of a conjunction to Lindsay's Jupiter in Pisces, which is exacerbating her urge to act out -- specifically, through self-indulgence and self-medication.
Also, note that transiting Saturn is conjuncting Lindsay's natal Venus -- the same aspect that, last year, I correctly predicted would bring a reality check in the form of being dumped by then-beau Harry Morton. {Full story} Now she's rumored to be getting another romantic reality check ... on the down low. Allegedly, LiLo's ambivalence over her affair with DJ Samantha Ronson -- and their public fight over her refusal to make it public -- was one of the stressors that pushed Lindsay to the breaking point. (Incidentally, in Lindsay's natal chart, Uranus --frequently associated with "alternative" sexuality --is trined by relationship planet Venus and semisextiled by sex-drive-driving Mars.)
(Data note: I've been unsuccessful in tracking down Samantha's birth data, other than photo evidence that she once held a birthday party on August 7, making her likely a Leo--with her Sun conjunct LiLo's Venus, perhaps? If anyone has S.Ron's DOB, puh-leeeeze pass it along! I would loooooove to look at her chart next to Lindsay's!)
Saturn -- the planet of lessons learned, of killing one's buzz, of getting the car keys taken away, is trine rebellious Uranus, and sextile Chiron, the planetoid that represents inner wounding (Uranus opposes Chiron in LiLo's natal chart; she acts out rebelliously to call attention to her inner pain). Saturn trine Uranus could be favorable to Lindsay harnessing the rebellious energy of the Uranus square and checking herself before she wrecks herself ... but it could also signal that the authority figures in her life are actually enabling her to careen out of control. Gee, wonder how that might play out (*cough*Dina*cough*Michael*cough*).
I think LiLo is on track to turn her life around? No. With all the volatile
Uranian energy, I'm not sure that Lindsay is really ready to commit to recovery
in earnest. If Lindsay is ever going to get serious about sobriety, it may be
when transiting Saturn squares its own natal position in spring 2008, and she
takes a hard look at the path that she's on. She may also bolt from her parents,
realizing that they are undermining rather than reinforcing the structure and
boundaries in her life.
But even then, Lindsay may not be out of the woods. In fall 2008, Uranus' square to its natal position will finally be exact. Even if her recovery has continued until then, an incident could lead her to fly off the handle -- and off the wagon -- with all her knee-jerk rebellious instincts resurfacing. Then, when Uranus finally makes a direct hit to her natal Jupiter in March 2009, La Linds will once again feel tremendous pressure to act out and indulge her self-medicating urges. Lindsay's luck could certainly take a dramatic turn -- for better or worse -- at that time.
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Leave linds alone shes awesome!
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