Happy 1st Anniversary, CelebAstroBlogy!

OMG! I just now realized that today is the 1-year anniversary of CelebAstroBlogy! Thanks so much to all you readers, longtime and recent, who have offered so much awesome feedback, encouragement and support. (Except you, Reichen.) I would also like to thank Uranus for transiting my 10th-house Jupiter and Venus in Pisces and bringing a bolt of fresh inspiration to my astrological work and creative aspirations. It seems fitting that this anniversary falls on the occasion of the transiting Jupiter-Uranus square, a great time for brainstorms and creative breakthroughs. (Don't forget to read your daily horoscope.)
For lack of any better commemorative concept, I have gathered a handful of posts that were personally special or memorable to me, to look back on the past year. Hope you'll enjoy reliving these celeb milestones.

• Chappelle's
Chiron (2/07/06)
Dave Chappelle's mysterious disappearance was so fascinating; a look at his
chart really shed some interesting light on it.
• Justin
and Cameron: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (3/09/06)
It still feels good to say it.
• Stephen
Colbert, Taurus for Truthiness (5/14/06)
By putting his birth chart on the Interwebs, I feel I was doing God's work.
• A
Heartfelt Tribute to Aaron Spelling (6/24/06)
This post was meaningful to me because I had never really processed exactly
how much Spelling shows meant to me growing up.

Nicole and Keith: Worst Wedding Timing Ever! (6/25/06)
The aspects for their marriage were just so strikingly horrible, it was fun
to write a post with so much juicy fodder.
• There
Is a God, and He is Pissed at Mel Gibson (8/01/06)
Because who doesn't enjoy a little schadenfreude?
Paul McCartney and Olivia Newton-John Belong Together! (8/12/06)
I just love the idea of these two as a couple so much, and I sincerely believe
that the collective unconscious can manifest it as a reality if we all just
put good energy into it!
Britney Divorces Kevin! The World Makes Sense Again! (11/07/06)
Do I really have to explain why this one is a personal favorite?
Thanks again for your continued patronage and support of CelebAstroBlogy, without which I would doubtless have given up long ago. I look forward to serving all your celebrity astrology needs in 2007!
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