Celeb Birthdays: January 3

Quarterback Eli Manning is 26.
American Idol finalist Kimberley Locke is 29.
Actress Danica McKellar of The Wonder Years is 32. See Danica McKellar's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actress-director Joan Chen is 47.
Raving actor-director Mel Gibson is 51. Read CelebAstroBlogy's analysis of Mel Gibson's infamous hateful rant
Actress Victoria Principal of Dallas is 61. See Victoria Principal's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Musician John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin is 61. See John Paul Jones' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Musician Stephen Stills of CSNY is 62. See Stephen Stills' birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actor Dabney Coleman is 75. See Dabney Coleman's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actor Robert Loggia is 77.
"Fifth Beatle" George Martin is 81. See George Martin's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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For anyone who is interested....Britney's reported man of the second, Isaac Cohen, was born 08/12/1981 in LA County.
Also Justin and Cameron have really broken up this time...
I thought Justin and Cam would bring Kitty out.
I thought Justin and Cam would bring out Kitty...
aww! thanks you guys, believe me, i want to post about ALL of this. I am SO HAPPY about Justin, you don't even know. (Although.. Scarlett?) the deal is, i've been booked with a full-time in-house gig and turning in 2 daily columns on top of that. i am hoping to show the blog some love this weekend. remember people, if anyone wants to pay me a million dollars to blog or introduce me to my rich husband, this will no longer be an issue!! ;)
kitty, i though britney was going to slow down this year, but she is still partying. and now she has a new boyfriend. if she continues like this she will not be able to make a comeback.
kitty, can you please make an update about britney and isaac
I definitely will and I appreciate your impatience :) Believe me, I am dying to blog about Britney, I just have been crazy busy on deadline after deadline. Just a reminder, I hope everyone who needs a Britney gossip fix will remember that my column Scoop! is published Monday through Friday.. and more often than not I take the opportunity to give our Miss Spears some love and life coaching. Go to http://sfpaper.examiner.com/edition/san_francisco/?haspdf=1 and use the pull-down menu in the PDF viewer to find Scoop! in the Entertainment section if you don't see it promoted on the front page. Sorry for the shameless self-promotion but I really am proud of and excited about the column and hope those of you who enjoy CelebAstroBlogy will enjoy it as well!!
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