Wills and Kate: Back On For Good?

Not only was it thrilling to get the news that Prince William and Kate Middleton are dating again {full story} -- far sooner, even, than the 2009 reunion I had predicted -- it was especially gratifying to learn it from a reader's comment before I had even seen it elsewhere on the Interwebs! As always, gentle readers, I vastly appreciate your engagement and enthusiasm.
And just prior to the news breaking, another -- also much appreciated -- reader requested a birthday reading for Wills. So, I thought I'd take a look at his solar return chart and see what the year ahead holds for him ... and how it bodes for the tentatively on-again couple.
The first thing that jumps out about William's solar return is that SR (solar return) Pluto is right on the natal Ascendant, about to retrograde back over it. This augurs a year of profound transformation for Wills, of his image and his identity. With Pluto in Sag, his perspective may be changed by traveling or being exposed to many different cultures. This year could see him starting to assume a meaningful role on the world stage, or at least trying to seek meaning in his role as an (incidental) international figure.
The SR chart has Capricorn rising, bringing the intercepted part of Wills' natal first house to the Ascendant. This is another sign that this year Wills will come into his own, assuming responsibility, authority, and gravitas as part of his persona. (Capricorn is also currently rising in his progressed chart, though this has been the case for many years.) Perhaps this desire to start taking himself, and being taken, more seriously, is part of his decision to return to Kate. Even for a hottie prince, perhaps the lure of playing the field was not so powerful as having a genuine, solid connection with a true partner (especially given that 7th-house influence in Wills' natal chart).
It may be that starting in 2008, these two are ready to talk marriage, as transiting Pluto opposes Wills' 7th-house Sun (exact in late January, early June, and late November). While it may not be the most traditionally romantic planet, for a royal wedding that will literally change the course of history, Pluto seems an appropriately powerful signifier.
Or the time could be right for a wedding in 2009 when Pluto conjuncts Wills' natal Juno (exact in February, early May, and around Christmas), the asteroid associated with marriage, which is highlighted in the partnership-oriented Prince's 1st house. Also in 2009, Wills' progressed Venus will cross his natal 7th house-cusp, another suggestion that he could be ready to start married life.
Our boy will be having his first Saturn return from late 2010 to fall 2011, at which time we may really see him step up and assume a role of authority; with Saturn in Libra, plus his 7th-house Sun and Moon, he may well feel most comfortable doing so with a partner by his side to help stabilize and ground him.
As I've said before, despite harboring my own Mrs. Windsor/Princess Kitty fantasies, I think Kate seems like a strong woman and excellent princess material, and I could not be more excited for these two to get back together. I hope that losing her really did give Wills a reality check and that he is ready to get serious about making the emotional connection that his sensitive but guarded Cancer heart needs but fears. Good luck, you two!
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Labels: Celebrity Couples, Kate Middleton, Prince William
Those two crazy kids may be the real thing ;-)
Ahem, that gracious reader would be moi lol (I didn't realize you could put your name up here) I luv Wills. Thanks for the report!
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