Madonna's Birthday Forecast: Will She Get to Keep Her Baby?

Happy 49th(!) birthday to my adored Madonna! This year, the pop-culture fixture is celebrating amidst some drama (but what else is new?) pertaining to her pending adoption of Malawi boy David Banda. Will she be allowed to keep her son? I calculated her solar return, a birthday chart forecasting the year ahead, to find out what is likely to happen with Her Madgesty's little prince.
The solar return chart (calculated for Wiltshire, England, where Madonna and Guy Ritchie share a country estate with their kids) has Virgo rising and Sagittarius on the Descendant, just like in Madonna's natal chart, which suggests that she will in some sense be in her element this year (even though the solar return Ascendant of 29°52" Virgo does suggest an anxious, urgent need to be in control -- but that kind of is Madonna's element, no?). The SR (solar return) Sun's conjunction to Mercury, the chart ruler, as part of a stellium with Venus and Saturn, further strengthens Madonna's position for the year, making her articulate, appealing and authoritative.
The SR Moon, which represents mothering, is in Libra conjunct the SR Ascendant. This signifies her role as a mother will be at the forefront of Madonna's identity this year; the Moon's placement in Libra could refer to her legal fight for the right to claim David as her child, since the Scales are the sign ruling justice.

Also in the solar return chart, transformative Pluto in the international, multicultural sign of Sagittarius is conjunct the Descendant or 4th house cusp, ruling family and home. This is definitely a time of profound change in Madonna's family life. So, will the shift be for better or worse?
Considering that Pluto and the Descendant are trine the Sun-Mercury-Venus-Saturn stellium in Leo in the 11th house, Madonna's odds look very good indeed. Her fame and status with the public (Leo in the 11th), her wealth (Venus) and her overall clout (Saturn) are all working for her. Factor in the angular Moon, and Madonna looks to be one unstoppable adoptive baby-mama. Mazel tov, Madge!
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Labels: Madonna
So, K, no thoughts on Brit? They say she will perform at the VMAs on 09/08. Hard to see that happening.
ohhh, i have lots of thoughts on Brit, Kevin, etc.. I just don't know where to start! i'll put some thoughts together soon though.. stay tuned..
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