Heath's Legacy: Matilda Ledger's Horoscope

What is to become of little Matilda Rose Ledger now that her father, Heath Ledger, is gone? The late Aussie actor's only child with Michelle Williams is just a little over two years old, but her dad's untimely death is bound to have an impact -- just look at the poignant pic at left to see how bonded Heath's little mini-me was with him. I took a look at Matilda's birth chart to see what it suggests about the person she will grow up to be.
Matilda Rose Ledger was born October 28, 2005, in her parents' then-home-base of Brooklyn, NY. Unfortunately, I could not find any coverage of her birth that gave a birth time, but as always, I'd love for anyone to share that information should they come across it.
See Matilda Rose Ledger's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy, no birth time)
It is clear that Matilda does have a strong connection with her dad, given the square from Saturn (representing the father) to the Sun (core identity, sense of self). Heath's influence definitely plays a role in shaping who she is. And with Saturn's opposition to Neptune, Matilda may grow up with an idealized fantasy image of her late father, based on sentimental memory as well as the next-James-Dean portrayal of him in the media.
It also seems that Matilda will grow up to experience some extremely intense dynamics in her intimate relationships, perhaps prompted by the abandonment issues associated with the early loss of her father. With an extremely tight Venus-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius, she feels a strong need for power and control in relationships but a parallel urge for freedom. With this aspect, I could see her going through some pull-close-then-push-away cycles with a partner.
But with her Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio, it seems that Matilda will have a real inner reserve to draw upon. A core of belief in herself will be, or already has been, instilled in her. By all accounts, her father doted on her, and her mother appears to be a devoted hands-on parent as well.
Perhaps the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio, squaring Saturn, suggests the kind of optimism and transformation that is born of hardship (Saturn) and loss (Scorpio). This tragedy will surely be one of the defining experiences of her life, and there may be a certain somberness and intensity to her personality. But I believe Matilda will be equipped with the resilience to stay positive and live her life to the fullest.
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Labels: Heath Ledger, Matilda Ledger
Thank you for posting this. I was very curious about her.
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