Kevin Federline's Birth Chart

The fact that Kevin Federline appears to be acting like a mature, responsible adult may well be a sign that the apocalypse is wicked nigh. Or it could just mean that the FedEx is finally learning the lessons of his Saturn return.
A full astrological analysis of Kevin's present cosmic situation will follow soon. For now, I am pleased to present K-Fed's chart with birth time included. Infinite gratitude goes out to reader Pluto for sharing Kevin's birth certificate with me. As always, gentle readers, you make me feel luckier than David Spade the first time he scored with Heather Locklear. But I digress....
See Kevin Federline's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
(Check out that Pluto in Libra on the Ascendant, which rather perfectly describes the way Kevin presents to the world as Britney's sex partner and kept man above all else. Tee hee!)
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Labels: Kevin Federline
Responsible? Well he is defiantly been working hard at being the good guy. But after asking for 25 thousand just to be photograph at his party and rumours of pitching a reality show with only his 2 kids (The one with Britney of course!) and back to riding his Ferrari with “Federline Records” on his shirt, he still looks like the pig he always was.
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