J.Lo's Moon Sign Maternity Mystery
Yesterday MSNBC reported that Jennifer Lopez' weasellike third husband, was seen shopping for baby clothes, and we all know celebrities have assistants to pick out shower gifts, so that would seem to suggest that J.Lo has jumped on the Hollywood baby train.

Now, of course I turned to J.Lo's chart to seek some insight into this intensely personal matter which is none of my business. Yet I was shocked and dismayed to see that there is no recorded birth time on file for Jennifer Lopez! Shocked, because I fully expected that she would have emerged from the womb with a publicist in tow, ready to issue a release on her glorious entry into the world -- and dismayed, because without a solid birth time, all bets are off when it comes to important pregnancy indicators like the Moon and the 5th house.
Depending on what time of day she was born, J.Lo could have either a Scorpio or a Sagittarius moon. Since she's known for being intensely controlling and power-hungry as opposed to laid-back and philosophical (see: Angelina Jolie), my money is on the Scorpio moon. A noon birth chart (often done as a default when there is no reliable birth time) would place her Moon in late Scorpio, sandwiched neatly between Neptune in Scorpio (glamour, fame, power, control of one's image) and Mars in Sagittarius (drive, action, sexuality, adventure), uniting the energies of these planets. If indeed J.Lo's moon is in a late degree of Scorpio, a propitious time for her to conceive would be around late November 2006, when Jupiter conjuncts her Moon. Yet the proximity of Mars and Neptune to the Moon might be a double-edged sword, in that Jupiter's passage over these two planets will intensify attention on her career and public persona. It may be that later this year J.Lo has to choose between parenting plans and throwing herself into a new film project. Or perhaps she can avoid this dilemma by milking a pregnancy in the press to raise her profile. Hard to say without an accurate birth time. In any case, I just don't see her having a Sagittarius Moon, or she would have flown around the world adopting orphans by now.
Needless to say, please email me if you have any info on her birth time. (I'm trying to muster up the will to care about Marc Anthony's, though he frankly seems rather peripheral, in the grand style of Virgo husbands such as Ryan Phillippe and Guy Ritchie. Ah, well, sure, email me if you have his, too.)
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