Jude and Sienna: Over for Good This Time?

I know, I know: Reporting on Jude Law and Sienna Miller's relationship is kind of like keeping tabs on Oprah's weight or the Israel-Palestine conflict. You just know another oscillation is coming up, so at a certain point it's like, why even graph the ups and downs? Their most recent breakup announcement supposedly has the couple calling it quits for good {Source}, but there is a hint of a can't-stay-away dynamic in the couple's horoscopes that is intriguing despite the tedium of their rote breakups and makeups. What draws them together? Well, ultimately they're both narcissistic people who gratify each other's egos.
The first thing that jumps out about this couple is that, despite the decade-ish age diff, their birthdays are a day apart, meaning their Suns are closely conjunct in Capricorn. See Sienna Miller's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Jude Law's birth chart (Astrotheme) The Sun rules the ego center and the core personality, and this conjunction suggests that they are drawn to each other because in many fundamental ways they are alike. Right away it appears the attraction is based on a sort of ego reflection wherein they reinforce each other's (and their own) fundamental traits and tendencies.
Of course, there's nothing bad about being simpatico in this way. It just strikes me that Jude and Sienna each seem rather emotionally ... oh, what's the word? ... shallow. In their natal charts, apart from Jude's Mars and Sienna's Jupiter in Scorpio, there are no planets in water signs, the element that brings feeling, compassion and nurturing to an individual's identity. Their collective emphasis of planets in career-driven, ambitious Capricorn, plus the freewheeling bachelor sign Sagittarius and let's-gloss-that-over Libra, suggests an outward, goal-oriented focus rather than any sort of deep inner reflection. Rather than look within themselves, these two can gaze dreamily at each other, and get validation that they are perfect exactly as they are.
But despite this core similarity, it's hardly smooth sailing for this couple. Sienna's Pluto on Jude's Moon in Libra augurs a tempestuous, passionate emotional rollercoaster of a relationship where power and control are constantly oscillating within the relationship; five degrees away, Sienna's Saturn on Jude's Uranus suggests that her attempts to control or confine him within the partnership only stir up his urge to break free and flee the restrictions of commitment. There is a chafing dynamic going on here. Jude's natal Venus-Saturn opposition in Sagittarius-Gemini signals that he is extremely wary of any attempt by a woman he's with to limit his freedom. With Pluto on Jude's Moon and Saturn on his Uranus, Sienna may come off as clingy, controlling and posessive. Sienna's Mars on Jude's Pluto in Libra may generate great sexual sparks but also intense potential for anger, cruelty and recrimination ... perhaps attempts to "even the score" with revenge in a twisted use of the Libra archetype.
With transiting Venus in Sagittarius about to pass over Jude's natal Venus-Neptune conjunction, further clouding his already unrealistic ideas about relationships and stirring up his romantic fantasies, don't be surprised if Jude and Sienna rebound back into each other's arms within the next couple of weeks ... or at least, are busted by the paparazzi for having some hot breakup sex before they go their separate ways once and for all.
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