Event Chart: The Death of Anna Nicole Smith

Here is an astrological chart, based on the best available reports, for the death of Anna Nicole Smith.
The exact time of her death may remain a mystery, judging from anecdotal eyewitness accounts that Anna's body was already covered when paramedics brought her to the hospital, but this chart reflects the officially reported time of 2:10 EST in the Hollywood, FL, hospital where Anna was pronounced dead. The chart will be updated if better information is made available.
See the event chart for Anna Nicole Smith's death (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
Interestingly, the Sun and Neptune in the death chart are conjunct at 19° Aquarius, the same degree as Marilyn Monroe's Moon.
One thing that jumped out at me about this chart was the presence of Pluto in an almost exact conjunction with the 7th-house cusp (representing relationships), suggesting the sinister or underhanded influence of a partner in the death.
Also, Venus, the planet of love and money, is conjunct volatile Uranus in self-destructive Pisces on the Midheaven, representing goals and ambitions.
Could Howard K. Stern have had a hand in his pseudo-wife's untimely demise in order to further his own financial ends?
Stay tuned for Howard's horoscope and what it may suggest about Anna's death, plus much more analysis of the complex and mysterious Anna Nicole saga.
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Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Howard K. Stern
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