What Was Anna Nicole Smith's Rising Sign?

After doing many reports on the late Anna Nicole Smith's astrological chart, for which no birth time is available, I can't help but speculate on what a birth chart including an accurate time might look like. Prompted by a dream in which Anna's birth time was revealed to me, only to elude me when I awoke (yes indeed, gentle readers, I desperately need a celebrintervention, for I also had a dream featuring Anna's baby daughter Danniellyn this weekend), I have taken it upon my cuckoo-crazy self to speculate on Anna's complete natal horoscope.
The hypothetical birth time I like for Anna Nicole is 12:45 PM CST on November 28, 1967, in Mexia, Texas. (Although even Anna's birthplace is in doubt, since her mom says she was not actually from Mexia, Texas, but from Houston, and pretended to be a small-town girl for the sake of her image.) Here's why.
See Anna Nicole Smith's birth chart (CelebAstroBlogy; hypothetical birth time)
Pisces rising describes Anna's image as a sex symbol -- back in her Guess? days, she had those windows-to-the-soul eyes that reflect a Piscean Ascendant. Anna's dreamy, off-in-her-own-world quality and the widespread perception of her as a drug addict are also consistent with the Pisces rising sign.
But besides being a bombshell, Anna Nicole was also a frail, insecure woman with a yo-yo relationship with her body. The 12:45 birth time describes this dichotomy, positing Chiron in Pisces in Anna's 1st house of surface appearance and physical body -- which describing her self-destructive tendencies, body struggles, and lack of self-acceptance, even in the face of her Piscean mystique and allure.
Of course, we would expect Anna's true horoscope to paint the warts-and-all picture of her relationships with men, including her potentially lucrative marriage to the elderly J. Howard Marshall as well as her possibly fateful partnership with the sketchy Howard K. Stern. With the 12:45 birth time, Anna has a Moon-Venus conjunction in Libra, sign of partnership, in the 8th house of shared resources. This placement would describe not only the way Anna plunged all-or-nothing into her relationships with men but also the undercurrent of machinations for financial interests (Venus in the 8th). The manipulative dynamics rumored to be operative both in Anna's relationship with her late husband and -- with the shoe on the other foot -- in her coupling with Howard K. both fit with the 8th-house placement.
Meanwhile, Jupiter right on the cusp of the 7th house of partnership shows the fortune that she amassed by virtue of her marriage to a billionaire -- while the Uranus-Pluto conjunction there suggests the power struggles and unpredictable ups-and-downs in her relationships.
Gemini/Sagittarius on the IC/MC shows an unstable home/family life and an aspiration toward stardom. And Mars in Capricorn in the 11th house depicts an ambitious social climber.
This chart would place the transiting Sun-Neptune conjunction at the time of her death in the self-destructive 12th house along with Chiron. Meanwhile the overdose-prone Mercury-Venus-Uranus conjunction in Pisces would be foregrounded in her 1st house, with Mercury conjunct the Ascendant. The transiting Scorpio Moon would be in Anna's 8th house, which also represents death.
Gentle readers, I welcome your feedback on this hypothetical birth chart or any alternative ideas you may have.
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Howard Kevin Stern
November 29, 1968
Los Angeles, California
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