Angelina Is Pregnant Again!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt apparently weren't kidding when they said they wanted to have nine, or thirteen, or however many kids it was the last time they went on about how much they love parenting in an interview. Both biologically and otherwise, the world's most beautiful couple are multiplying like rabbits.
Shortly after formally adopting son Pax, La Jolie debuted her baby bump last night (the very same night she was scheduled to be in the same room with Jennifer Aniston for the first time in three years -- burn!!!). So I thought I'd take a peep at her horoscope, which we haven't done in quite some time.
This period of time definitely feels like it is a turning point for Angelina. Transiting Jupiter is opposing Saturn and squaring her natal Moon-Mars-Jupiter conjunction, all in cardinal signs. See Angelina Jolie's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Jupiter brings expansion and growth, figuratively and sometimes literally. Right now it is activating the natal Moon-Jupiter aspect that gives Angie her almost boundless maternal urges. Don't be surprised to see her throw herself into nesting mode.
With Saturn in the picture, there is also an increase in responsibilities and challenges. Particularly if the rumor she is expecting twins turns out to be true, even Hollywood's finest Supermom will certainly have her hands full wth such a rapidly expanding brood.
Interestingly, transiting Mercury in mass-media-oriented Aquarius is almost exactly sextile Angie's natal Mars, while transiting Mars in Gemini has just passed over her natal Mercury. These two aspects make me wonder if there was in fact a passive-aggressive tinge of hostility toward Jen in the timing of the visual "announcement." Certainly it took all the attention away from her and their anticipated confrontation, and one would imagine Jennifer wasn't exactly relieved.
All suggestion of cattiness aside, congratulations to the Jolie-Pitts -- and best wishes for a baby that is happy, healthy, and half as cute as Shiloh!
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Labels: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Celebrity Pregnancy
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