J.Lo Gives Birth! The Twins' Astrological Charts

Congratulations and felicidades to Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony on the birth of their twins early this morning! (And thanks again to readers who tipped me off to the birth data!) Obviously, I had to take a look at their horosopes ASAP! And let me tell you, J.Lo and Marc's influence looms over these charts in a big way.
To my knowledge, the newborns' names have not been released, but as foreshadowed by the pink-and-blue shower theme, there is a girl and a boy. I'll update the charts and make them all pretty as soon as the names are released, but I wanted to get the charts up right away. Here you go...
See Baby Girl Lopez Anthony's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
See Baby Boy Lopez Anthony's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
First, let me just say that both twins have the Moon (representing the mother) in controlling Virgo, in the influential 10th house. J.Lo is going to rule these kids' lives with an iron fist -- not that that should come as any great shock to anyone.
Also, Saturn, representing the father, is in Virgo (Marc Anthony's Sun sign), closely conjunct the Midheaven (career goals). Marc will also have a strong formative influence in the twins' careers -- dragging them out on tour as a Donny-and-Marie-style sibling act, perhaps?
The fact that the Moon and Saturn are in the same sign show that the twins' parents will present very much a united front in the way they raise and discipline them. But Virgo suggests that while the kids will be well cared for, this will be an old-school sit-up-straight, mind-your-manners upbringing. We won't be seeing the Lopez-Anthony kids dancing on tables and getting DUIs in 18 years ... or on second thought, maybe they will with a vengeance.
I'll follow up soon when the twins are named. For now, I have a cake to transport to an undisclosed location.
P.S. The obligatory note on data sourcing: According to People.com, the girl was born at 12:12 AM EST, followed by her brother at 12:23 AM. {Source} Although the location was not officially disclosed by reps, according to multiple reports, J.Lo gave birth at the North Shore University Hospital, which is located in the town of Manhasset on Long Island, New York. (What did people do before the Interwebs?)
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony
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