Christina Aguilera's Pluto Transformation

I love when celebrities represent for their zodiac sign! Check out Christina Aguilera's arrow necklace (inset left), which bears an uncanny resemblance to the zodiac symbol for her Sun sign, Sagittarius (right, in yellow), sign of the Archer. Xtina really seems to have come into her own lately and to be happy and centered in her marriage, so I'm happy to see this additional indicator that she is proud of who she is.
With Pluto passing over her Sun, this is a transformative time for Christina, during which she is reinventing her identity to the very core, shedding old aspects of her ego that are no longer vital or constructive for her. See Christina Aguilera's astrological chart (Astrotheme) Never fear, though -- with Venus in Sag's out-of-sign conjunction to Uranus in Scorpio, our Xtina will always be into the wild, way-out-there sexual hijinx.
Her near-exact Moon-Chiron conjunction in Taurus describes Christina's feelings of low self-esteem related to her early family life and lack of nurturing as a child. The Moon's square to Mars in Capricorn hasn't exactly made it easy for her to avoid reenacting her father issues in relationships with men who treat her like crap. But now she really seems to have found a guy who adores her.
According to a few different online sources including Wikipedia, Jordan Bratman was born June 4, 1977, making him a Gemini -- Sagittarius' opposite sign and best match. He has an emotionally generous Sun-Jupiter conjunction, and a reliable, father-figurey Capricorn Moon that jibes well with Christina's Taurus Moon. It looks like he can give her the mix of stability and spontaneity that she needs. These two seem gushingly happy together; I hope they keep going strong. At some less ungodly hour I'll get around to predicting their baby-making potential. I really just meant to post about her necklace.
Labels: Christina Aguilera
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