Lindsay Lohan: Intervention Time Again!

Word is that after her appearance on Saturday Night Live last week, Lindsay Lohan was treated to another intervention by the SNL cast, who apparently are concerned about her partying too hard (despite making jokes about it on the air). [Source] This would be the second consecutive time Lindsay has been treated to an intervention as well as an after-party as thanks for hosting SNL. Evidently Linds was utterly unreceptive to the intervention input, which is most troubling considering that Tina Fey & co. were echoing Saturn in Leo's message of caution for LiLo.
When last we reported on Lindsay at the start of February, she had just had a mysterious accident at Bryan Adams' house in London and appeared to be generally out of control. Since then, she's continued to lose weight to the point where her clothes are literally falling off her, and while not resembling a 50-year-old divorcée quite as much as Nicole Richie does, let's just say she's getting there. It would seem that the Uranus and Neptune transits we reported on back in February are still causing trouble for Linds.
Lindsay currently has some Neptune/Pisces energy influencing her, which can signal addictive and self-destructive behavior. See Lindsay Lohan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) Chaotic Uranus in Pisces has been trining her Sun, making it very tempting for her to act out, rebel and indulge. This aspect definitely describes the wild way Lindsay appears to be careening through life, veering from one whim to another.
Pisces' ruler Neptune, the planet of delusion, illusion and addiction as well as fantasy and fame, is directly opposite Lindsay's Venus, planet of relationships, which suggests that Lindsay could be blotting out her issues with men, and with her fame, by self-medicating. Venus also represents the feminine principle, and with Neptune in Aquarius, the sign of public perception and mass media, Lindsay could be trying to live up to an unrealistic Hollywood female body image ideal that she has deluded herself into validating. She is not seeing her own body clearly. With "wounded" Chiron in Aquarius about to turn retrograde near the inconjunction to her Sun, Lindsay is feeling secret pain about who she is and struggling to fit in with Hollywood's mean girls.
(Neptune also could be squaring Lindsay's Taurus Moon, depending on her birth time, and thereby forming a T-square (T-shaped aspect) with her Moon, ruler of her Cancer Sun, and Venus. If Neptune was putting pressure on both of these feminine signifiers in the chart, it is even more likely that she could be experiencing unrealistic-body-perception issues.)
With Pisces and Neptune's potential for self-destructiveness, and Uranus' tendency to get out of control, these aspects could be leading Lindsay down a very wrong road. Along with the Neptune/Pisces influences, LiLo also has tough-love Saturn poised to teach her a lesson—the easy way or the hard way, depending on whether she takes some responsibility for the consequences of her actions, or just buries her head in the sand. Saturn shows us where we need a reality check and assigns us karmic homework.
Right now, transiting Saturn is trining Saturn's position in Lindsay's natal chart, as well as conjuncting her Mercury and squaring her Pluto. At this point in the Saturn cycle—the trine, an easy, flowing aspect—Lindsay has a window in which to get it together and lay a solid foundation for the next phase of her fledgling adult life. With Saturn on her Mercury, planet of communication and thought, it is just possible that the intervention got through to her on some level, at least planting seeds in her mind. The square to Pluto would give her the power to transform her life and get on the right track, if she rallies to do so.
But Lindsay will need to resist the temptation of aspects that could trigger bad behavior. Venus in Pisces is approaching a conjunction to Lindsay's Jupiter (exact on April 26), which could bring overindulgence in drugs and alcohol. At the start of May, Mars will be on her Sun, aggravating the explosive potential of the trine with transiting Uranus, and possibly causing Lindsay to act out her aggressions—or self-medicate with particular ferocity. It will take a major Saturnian force of will to overcome the urge to take the easy way out when things get stressful. But she will need to learn to set some limits if she wants to still have a career by the time her Saturn return rolls around at age 28. It's a long shot, but for the sake of her well-being, let's all hope La Lindsay starts acting the age she dresses.
Related: Lindsay Lohan's World Hospital Tour (2/1/06)
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
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