Tuesday, April 18, 2006

TomKitten Is an Aries!

Lo, it has arrived! The TomKitten is here and it is a girl! [Source] Suri Cruise arrived today, though a birth time has (curses!) not been issued.* See Suri Cruise's chart (sunrise chart, no birth time*) But I am happy to say that Katie heeded my advice and popped out the spawn of L.Ron Hubbard's frozen sperm Tom while the Sun was still in a late degree of Aries, rather than on the April 21 due date reported by OK!, also known as my birthday. As I reported, a Taurus baby would not vibe as well with Katie as a fellow fire-sign baby with the Sun in late Aries, trining Katie's Sagittarius Sun and Leo Ascendant/Moon. Plus, if Suri was born earlier in the day like the sunrise chart shown here, her Moon, representing the mother, would, fittingly, conjunct Katie's Sun.* (See Katie Holmes' birth chart; Astrotheme)

I'm happy (and a little relieved) to see that Suri and her mom will have more than an incubator-incubatee relationship. But I'm also kinda creeped out that Suri's Chiron, signifying the places we feel wounded, conjuncts Tom's Saturn, representing the father principle. (See Tom Cruise's birth chart; Astrotheme) Is Tom, who recently recalled his own father as abusive, destined to repeat a traumatic pattern with his first biological kid? As much as I personally find Tom to be loathsomely cuckoo-crazy, I would like to look on the bright side for the innocent babe's sake, so I should point out that Suri's Saturn conjuncts Tom's Moon, suggesting that her image of her father will be a nurturing one.

You better believe I'll be on the lookout for an exact birth time, and knowing the publicity-whore parents, I would expect them to issue one sometime soon.* Incidentally, Brooke Shields, whose brave candor about postpartum depression earned her a bunch of judgment from Tom, gave birth today as well. [Source] I find this coincidence rather delicious and hope to obtain birth times for both celeb offspring so I can compare the charts!

TomKitten = KittyTaurus? (4/13/06)
Whither TomKat? (2/17/06)
No, Really, What's Up With Katie's Belly? (1/23/06)

*UPDATE: Suri's birth time has been given as 3 AM [Source] and her chart has been updated accordingly. Suri is Aquarius Rising and indeed has a Moon in late Sagittarius conjuncting Katie's Sun. Complete analysis to come!

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