Paul McCartney: Turning 64 and Single

I don't know if you kids out there care about old Sir Paul McCartney and the dissolution of his marriage to Heather Mills (your feedback is welcomed), but I was just taking a peep at his chart and I have to say, I feel kind of sad for him. I'm not saying that Ms. Mills was necessarily any prize, because I think it's telling that she didn't get along with his kids, i.e. Stella. But the man who sang "When I'm 64" is rapidly approaching his 64th birthday (on June 18) and it seems a cruel twist of fate that he will spend it alone.
Paul obviously had a soulmate connection with Linda, and that is a tough act to follow. A British tabloid recently reported that Heather was actually never happy with Sir Paul:
Heather realised Paul had lived in his own little world with Linda, spending every single day together and smoking a lot of dope. Heather didn't want that because she said it wasn't healthy. But Paul did want her to be like that — although she had things to do, places to be, people to see. It was an irritant to him." [Source]
Well, duh, of course he wants to be in his own cozy little pothead world. Paul's Sun forms an out-of-sign conjunction to Jupiter in home-and-family-oriented Cancer, making him more of a homebody than the average Gemini. Dreamy, druggie Neptune, ruler of the 7th house of partnership, is on the Ascendant, suggesting that Paul does indeed live in a magical world of his own making with his mate. And since Neptune is in Virgo, any detail that does not fit in his vision could indeed be an "irritant." With Neptune-ruled Pisces (drugs and the blurring of emotional separateness) on the Descendant, or 7th-house cusp, and the nurturing asteroid Ceres close by, the healthy-hippie vegetarian-meditation nature of Paul's relationships is plain to see. See Paul McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Meanwhile, Heather, as a determined, ambitious Capricorn whose Sun trines powerful Pluto, is not the type who can just sit around chillaxing. See Heather Mills McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) I'm sure her Venus in Sagittarius sparked an initial opposite-sign attraction with Paul's four Gemini planets, and her Moon in Gemini may conjunct his Mercury and/or Sun, a good compatibility indicator. But there are some awkward aspects between Heather's chart and Paul's, like her Mars squaring his Saturn-Uranus in Gemini (which could trigger a lot of verbal sparring) and her Chiron in Pisces squaring his Sun, which might make her get down on him.
Right now, as retrograde Pluto in Sagittarius opposes Paul's Sun almost exactly, forming a T-square (three planets at 90° angles) with his Virgo Ascendant, he is going through a time of transformation; while the experience is particularly acute right now, this is a process that will take a course of years. With Linda gone, and the marriage he rushed into to fill the void unraveling, Paul has to figure out who he is as an individual. As a mutable Gemini Sun-Virgo Ascendant, he is used to having someone to bounce off, but perhaps now for the first time in his adult life he is being challenged to stand on his own two feet.
Further emphasizing the theme of transformation, Saturn is passing over Paul's Mars-Pluto conjunction, pruning away what is no longer constructive in his life. Robert Hand notes in his great astrology reference book Planets in Transit that "on a material level, this transit often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages," and it looks like Heather may take him for a sweet chunk of his vast fortune. [Source] Why do I have to keep reminding people about the importance of the pre-nup?!)
Paul is really being challenged now, and will continue to be over the coming months as Saturn approaches his Moon and Pluto, again, continues to square his Sun. There are some tough lessons for him to learn now. But without a constant companion, he has the challenge of looking within and getting to know himself as he has never done before.
Labels: Paul McCartney
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