Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's Birth Chart

Verily, this is a day of great import in the blogosphere as well as the cosmic sphere, for a blessed child has been born unto the earth. This child shall be called Shiloh (which, like the name of Gwen Stefani's son, Kingston, seems to be some sort of reggae reference), and she is the daughter of the beautiful Angelina Jolie and the comparably beautiful Brad Pitt.
As previously noted, Shiloh's birth time was not given in the official announcement; the time of day was only narrowed down to "night."* Thus, while I typically cast charts for sunrise when a birth time is unknown, I have cast Shiloh's horoscope for 8 P.M. Namibia local time just to get it in the ballpark. If a more specific time of birth is issued, rest assured I will update her chart and reading.* Meanwhile, while the Ascendant and house cusps are not included in the reading, this planetary portrait affords us at least some glimpse of young Shiloh's future potential:
See Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt's birth chart ~ Exclusive to (no birth time except "night")
Shiloh and Angelina will be very much alike. Like her mom, Angelina, Shiloh is a Gemini, so it's fitting that she also has the Moon, representing the mother, in Gemini. Shiloh's Sun is close to Angelina, so their personalities will be similar. (See Angelina Jolie's astrological chart - Astrotheme) Mercury, representing thought and communication, is conjunct Angelina's Mercury in Gemini, so they will identify with each other and think very much alike. Angelina's nurturing Venus in Cancer is on Shiloh's Mars, and squares Shiloh's Venus in Aries. With Shiloh's Venus on Angelina's Chiron (wounding), it seems likely that she had a C-section.
Shiloh's Mercury in Gemini makes her, like her mother and again like young Kingston Rossdale , very cerebral; she will probably have a gift with words. Depending on her exact time of birth, Shiloh's Moon, which also rules the emotions, could conjunct mental Mercury, meaning that she is likely to make little distinction between her thoughts and her feelings. With Uranus squaring Mercury and quite possibly the Moon, she may be quick to temper and prone to blurt out some harsh words, but with all that changeable Gemini, her bad moods will blow over quickly.
Daddy Brad has Sun in Sagittarius almost exact-exact-exact on Shiloh's Pluto. He represents the transformation principle in her life, with his restless Sagittarian wanderlust. (I hope this doesn't mean he runs out for a pack of cigarettes and never comes back.) His Saturn, the father principle, is on Shiloh's Neptune, so she may well be able to charm her way out of him being strict with her. (See Brad Pitt's astrological chart - Astrotheme)
Brad's and Shiloh's Mercurys form an inconjunct aspect to each other, which suggests that they will not relate to each other's way of thinking as naturally as Angie and Shiloh do. There may be some father-daughter yelling and door-slamming sooner or later, especially as Shiloh's Uranus opposes Brad's Uranus-Pluto conjunction. But with Brad's Moon-Venus in Capricorn opposing Shiloh's Mars, he is definitely a protective, doting dad; even when he tells her she can't do something, it's because he cares.
Let's hope that a time of birth is released soon. Please email me or post a comment if you somehow come across one.* Meanwhile, mazel tov to the entire Jolie-Pitt clan, and welcome to the world Shiloh!
*UPDATE: Shiloh's birth time has been released! Check out the reading of her rising sign.
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Labels: Celebrity Babies
the time of bith is 1:40 AM on and 1:04 AM on in the comments section. I wonder if the birthday is not actually the 28th if Shiloh was born on Saturday night at 1:40 AM. what do you think?
its not actually the 28th..its the 27th of May
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