Gwen and Gavin's Gemini Baby

It's a boy! Gwen Stefani's fashion-accessory bump has proved to contain an actual infant, named Kingston James McGregor Rossdale. [Source] (Perhaps she named it after the capital of Jamaica to celebrate her love of reggae?) Dad is, of course, British alt-rocker Gavin Rossdale, which perhaps explains the Brittiness of the middle names, or maybe that was to celebrate Gwen's love of ska. Anyhoo, this once-volatile Libra-Scorpio couple seems to have settled into a very comfortable place (I'm wary of consecutive-sign couples, but her Ascendant is in Scorpio, and they both have Venus in Virgo and Mars in Capricorn) and I am delighted to congratulate them on the long-hoped-for birth of their first child. (And only slightly disappointed that we won't get to see Gwen dressing up a little girl. Maybe next time? C'mon, Gwen, you're gonna have to promote the L.A.M.B. maternity line!)
According to the good people at Us, the happy parents' rep has done me the favor of pinpointing little K.Ro's time of birth as "shortly before 1 p.m. on Friday" and the location as "Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles." Thus I have calculated a natal horoscope for Kingston Rossdale using a time of 12:59 PM PDT. Here is the young Gemini's chart:
See Kingston James McGregor Rossdale's birth chart ~ Exclusive to (no birth time)
Born hours before the New Moon in Gemini, Kingston has the Moon in Gemini approaching a conjunction to his Sun. With these planets as well as Mercury on the Gemini Midheaven, Kingston will be incredibly sharp-witted and verbal. He is likely to aspire to be a writer, or possibly a mathematician; it just seems more likely that Gwen and Gavin will raise the next Bob Dylan than an all-star Mathlete. With this much Gemini, plus Mercury squaring disruptive Uranus, the kid could have some trouble focusing and staying still in school, but the emphasis on the Midheaven in his chart suggests he will be driven and ambitious enough to apply his considerable mental energy toward goals rather than just scattering it.
With Virgo on the Ascendant, Kingston is very careful about how he presents himself and fastidious about his appearance (gee, wonder who will instill that compulsion in him?), but the Ascendant is opposed by Uranus in the 7th house, so Kingston might get involved in a relationship and become a completely different person, shocking everyone by doing a total 180. Venus in Aries' square to Mars, and Mars' trine to Pluto, make Kingston a passionate person, capable of lashing out with quite a temper (reinforced by, again, Mercury's square to Uranus).
With Kingston's Sun and Mercury trining Gwen's Sun-Jupiter in Libra, they will have a loving, harmonious mother-son relationship. Mama Gwen's Venus in Virgo on his Ascendant is a nice sign that she will be taking good care of him (and perhaps obsess about dressing him up, changing his appearance as often and as meticulously as she does her own). Her Moon in Cancer, signifying her maternal nature, forms a grand trine with his Jupiter and Uranus, which could show her bringing out his creative nature but also, perhaps, mean that he acts out around her to manipulate her. See Gwen Stefani's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Dad Gavin also has Venus, as well as Jupiter, in Virgo; they flank baby Kingston's Ascendant, again giving off a protective parental vibe. See Gavin Rossdale's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) Gavin's Sun and Mercury are right on Kingston's Jupiter, suggesting he will provide mentoring and growth to his son and encourage him as he makes his way in the world. (Awww.) Gavin's Saturn, representing the father principle, trines Kingston's Saturn, so they will likely have a relatively easy father-son relationship, with Kingston willingly respecting his dad's authority.
Wishing all the happiness in the world to this adorable little fam! Can't wait to see the kid, and what he's wearing!
Labels: Celebrity Babies
Gavin was born in 1965 - he lied about his age - so you need to redo this chart.
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