Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part III: Neptune and Anna's Hospitalization

Not since the days of Oedipus Rex or at least Melrose Place has such a twisted family drama unfolded in the public eye. But this is no fictional or archetypal tale; the saga of Anna Nicole Smith and her loved ones and lackeys is definitely filed under Y for "You can't make this stuff up, people." Just as almost five minutes had passed without Anna doing anything scandalous or bizarre, she ended up in the hospital—according to her lawyer, for a bout of alleged "pneumonia" brought on by a "cold snap." {Source} Oh, okay. Because, you know, those "cold snaps" in the Bahamas can really be brutal. What?!
Now, I am not a doctor. But judging from a look at the transits to Anna Nicole's astrological chart, there are reasons to suspect that she was felled by more than germs.
Right now, retrograde Mercury in Scorpio joins Jupiter in conjuncting Anna Nicole's natal Neptune. Feel-good Jupiter passing over Neptune, the planet associated with addiction and delusion, can invite a tendency to self-medicate and escape reality. There's not a lot of self-control involved where Jupiter is concerned. Saturn is moving into an exact square with her Neptune, generating feelings of confusion, stress and lack of direction (and potential health problems). Anna feels like she has been floundering, and may be gratifying all her urges six ways till Sunday in order to avoid confronting harsh reality. Factor in the element of miscalculation associated with Mercury retrograde and two letters of the alphabet come to mind: O and D.
Again, I am not a doctor, and I have not "treated" Anna Nicole, and it would certainly be spurious to suggest that her hospital stay was prompted by, say, a cocktail of prescription and/or nonprescription drugs ingested under the care of a sleazy lawyer rather than a doctor. All I'm saying is that transiting Neptune has been squaring Anna Nicole's Mercury for many moons now, and there is definitely an escapist mentality dominating her consciousness, or rather semiconsciousness. Anna appears to be looking to blot out reality or already living in a dream world. With Saturn squaring Neptune, further reality checks could be handed to Anna Nicole if she doesn't get her act together and take her own initiative to get back in touch with the real world. That said, if a hospitalization, possible deportation and above all her son Daniel's death don't serve as wake-up calls, I'm not sure what will.
There's a lot more to this developing story still to come, including a look at Howard K. Stern's chart and a full analysis of Anna's chart at the time of her daughter's birth and son's death. Stay tuned!
Related: • Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part II: Anna's Baby Daughter's Birth Chart (10/18/06) • Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part I: Daniel Smith's Birth Chart (10/16/06)
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Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Howard K. Stern
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