Heather Mills McCartney's Horoscope: A Horror Story?

Since Halloween is all about witches, it seems only fitting today to stir up the cauldron that is Heather Mills McCartney's horoscope. As her vicious accusations against poor Sir Paul become uglier and more outlandish by the day (violent and a pothead? Someone's not doing the math here....), part of me actually feels guilty for feeling such venom toward her. I mean, what if she really is telling the truth and was a victim? But the thing is, I just don't see Heather being credible. So I took a look at her chart to back up my hunch that she is not operating on the level. With six planets in mutable signs, Heather certainly seems to be someone who can shift her frame of reference to manipulate a situation.
Mars in Pisces opposing Jupiter gives Heather a tendency to act like a victim and blow her emotional wounds out of proportion. Depending on the time she was born, Heather's Moon in emotionally changeable (some would say two-faced) Gemini could draw Mars and Jupiter into a mutable grand cross with Venus, the relationship planet, in Sagittarius. Even if all four planets are not within orb of aspect, a picture emerges from Heather's chart of someone who changes her mood and mind on a dime. See Heather Mills McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
With her can-do Capricorn Sun and rational Mercury in Aquarius, Heather possesses a solid, canny core personality ... but when it comes to relationships, she is all over the map. If her Gemini Moon indeed opposes Venus and squares exaggeration-prone Jupiter, I would not put it past her to stretch the truth or manipulate reality in order to get what she wants in relationships. And what she wants may be fleeting indeed; with Venus in Sag, it's all about the thrill of the chase.
Also in Heather's chart, Uranus is retrograde at the critical degree of 29° Virgo, giving her personality a volatile edge. Uranus is in mutual reception with, and forms an almost exact out-of-sign trine to, her Mercury in Aquarius. When Mercury and Uranus act in concert in a person's birth chart, verbal outbursts are extremely likely. With that critical 29th degree involved, there is a sense of urgency to her communications; that cool, rational Aquarian mind is unusually likely to get overheated. As I noted back in May, shortly after the couple announced their separation, Heather's Mars squares Paul's Saturn-Uranus, which could provoke arguments. See Paul McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme)
In all fairness, with Mars-Pluto and Moon-Chiron conjunctions in Leo, Paul certainly has a tendency toward a temper himself; I don't doubt he also fanned the flames of their arguments. Paul himself has five mutable planets, and between the two of them, neither he nor Heather would seem to have enough in the way of a grounding, stabilizing influence to nip an argument in the bud or step back from a full-blown blowout. So surely Heather has at least some ammunition on her side in her accusations about Paul's temper. But at the same time, she is certainly capable of distorting and exaggerating the truth. I'm going to go ahead and stand by my hatred of her and my fervent wish that Paul find happiness with Olivia Newton-John. Believe in the dream!
• Paul McCartney and Olivia Newton-John Belong Together! (8/12/06)
• A Bittersweet 64th Birthday for Paul McCartney (6/18/06)
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Labels: Paul McCartney
oh dear, seeing as what you know about heather and paul is subject to massive media hype, lies and distortion why hate her so much? could it be anything to do with you?
for instance, parts of your personality you refuse to look at and put on heather instead?
OMG, you totally called it. I have a tendency to marry billionaires and accuse them of abusing me in order to get a larger divorce settlement. Obviously I need to deal with this issue in myself before judging anyone else!! Thanks for the reality check.
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