Heidi and Seal's New Son's Horoscope

Mazel tov, felicidades and much joy to Heidi Klum and Seal, proud parents of a new son, Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel, born at 5:01 PM PST in Los Angeles on November 22. {Source} As previously noted, I find my heartstrings irresistibly tugged by the sickeningly perfect perfection of the adorable Klum-Seal family even as I want to hate them for it. Now that they have posted a birth announcement clearly stating their child's time of birth, thereby making my job that much easier, my endearment toward them knows no bounds. I'm even willing to overlook the ridiculous name. Thus overflowing with goodwill and primary-source data, I simply had to check out young JRFTS's astrological chart.
See Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
Johan is an interesting lad, definitely a Sagittarius citizen of the world—no surprise given his international family. But the free-spirited Sagittarian energy is intermingled with a strong current of Scorpio intensity. Three planets, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, are in Scorpio, and the Sagittarius Sun is in an out-of-sign conjunction with its ruler, Jupiter, in the critical 29th degree of Scorpio. Jupiter is in mutual reception with Pluto in Sagittarius, which in turn is in a conjunction with the Moon that, at 10", is tighter than the skin on Nicole Kidman's forehead. With his Scorpio and Sag planets so closely bound up with each other, Johan will be fiercely passionate about his beliefs and ideology.
The Moon also represents the mother, and in light of its tight conjunction to Pluto, Mama Heidi will no doubt loom large as a powerful force in Johan's life. With Saturn in the 4th house, papa Seal might well play a more nurturing, domestic parental role while Heidi is more the disciplinarian. (A German, authoritarian? Whaaaa?) But at the same time, with Johan's Moon-Pluto in Sag, she will be a playful, fun mom to him, as well as a teacher/guru who opens up new horizons of life experience to her son.
Heidi's Sun at 10° Gemini is close to Johan's Ascendant, which rules outward appearance; this would confirm Seal's claim that the baby "looks just like his mother." See Heidi Klum's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) As he grows, he may strive to emulate and reflect her in other ways. With Neptune on the Aquarius Midheaven (career goals), Johan might well aspire to fame and media attention of the sort enjoyed by his supermodel mom and singer dad. Considering the passion and drive of his Scorpio/Sag chart signature, such dreams are certainly within reach. Garrrh, isn't anyone in this family deeply flawed?! No, no, I kid, I kid. Heartfelt congrats to Heidi, to Seal, and to Leni and Henry on their new baby brother.
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Heidi Klum, Seal
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