New Daily Gossip Column from KittyTaurus

Gentle readers, I am excited to announce a new creative venture that I hope you will all enjoy. As of today I am writing a daily (Monday through Friday) gossip column called "Scoop!" in the San Francisco Examiner. The column is astrology-free and written under my civilian name. Check it out here:
For the full column, scroll to page “25-Entertainment” in the PDF viewer. You can also pick up a hard copy of the paper if you are in the San Francisco area, or in Washington D.C. where it is syndicated in that city's Examiner.
It is a great honor to have a public platform to dispense life advice to my beloved Britney. Hope y’all have a chance to check it out.
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kitty taurus
im really worried about britney recent actions. do you think that she would be able to make a comeback? and what about her and justin? do you think they gonna get back together after the divorce is finalized? he seems to be happy with cameron. do you think he is going to dump her to be with britney?
kitty taurus
im really worried about britney recent actions and we never know what she is going to do next. i think justin was her balance and he seemed to be in love with her. but its been 4 years and they are diferent person know. she has two kids and his realionship with cameron seems to be strong. do you think there is a chance that britney and justin get back together?
Sara - I know, I'm worried about Britney too. BUT. Don't stop beliiiiieving, hold on to that feeelayayayaaaiiiing!!!
If you do a search for Justin Timberlake posts on this site - you will see I have written about Britney and JT reuniting in '08 when Jupiter conjuncts their mutual Venus. Let's all start energetically manifesting this NOW!
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