Pam Anderson and Kid Rock: Opposites Don't Always Attract

After only a few months, the raunchily-ever-after union of Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock has already fallen by the wayside. Both parties just filed for divorce, although considering they had three weddings, they may still require one more set of paperwork to make it official.
Wild though this pair may have seemed, there was a sense in which they seemed to make, well, sense. Astrologically speaking, as an opposite-sign couple (Pam's a nurturing, domestic Cancer; Kid's a father-figure Capricorn), they certainly had a good shot at making things work. ~ See Pamela Anderson's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Kid Rock's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) But as anyone who knows a bit about astrology can tell you, the Sun signs never tell the whole story when it comes to compatibility.
Back in July, when Pam and Kid announced their engagement, I expressed guarded hopes for the couple but also some misgivings:
On the one hand, Pam and Kid are actually a good match as far as their Sun signs are concerned. A Cancer woman and Capricorn man can make for a cozy white-picket-fence type of traditional family unit. And one thing these two definitely have in common, skanky as they both may be, is love for their sons. They do seem to make a nice extended family together with their boys. Also, Kid's Sun in Capricorn is square Pam's Moon in Aries, a nice aspect for romantic tension between a man and woman.
But beyond that, I'm not so sure that they really have a strong bond. Their Suns are not in aspect to each other, and Pam's Cancer Sun inconjuncts Kid's Venus in Sagittarius, an awkward angle as far as their ability to meet each other's relationship needs. She craves security while he might well be happy living on the road with a string of groupies as his companions. {Full story}
The dates of separation listed on the divorce proceedings, interestingly, differ—Pam says Nov. 21; Kid, Nov. 26 {Source}. The later date seems to resonate more, with Jupiter in Sagittarius having just returned to its exact position in Kid's natal chart, that groupie-loving Venus in Sag likewise making its return, and Mars in Scorpio about to do so. Kid is feeling a strong urge for freedom, and for autonomy over his own actions. With so much Sagittarius energy in effect right now, expect him to rebound by sowing his wild oats in a big way.
Meanwhile, Pamela has transiting Saturn on her 4th-house Venus, an aspect that is testing her domestic and family relationships and strengthening her need for a strong, secure foundation upon which to build her life with her kids. Under a Saturn-Venus conjunction, people have a tendency to cut out relationships that are not working (though those that are already solid can emerge from this testing time that much stronger). The sadness of experiencing a miscarriage, as was confirmed last month, may have driven Pam to take stock of her emotional and family needs. With his freewheeling Sagittarius stellium, Kid Rock simply might not have provided the reliable household presence that Pam sought for herself and her sons.
As Saturn turns retrograde in early December, Pam will have ample time over the next five-odd months to reevaluate these emotional needs and work on reestablishing a sense of security. Here's hoping Pam figures out how to get her groove back, and finds herself some much-deserved, long-deferred happiness on her own and/or with a new love.
Related: Poll of the Week: Will Pam Anderson and Kid Rock Make It to the Altar? (7/21/06)
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Labels: Celebrity Couples, Kid Rock, Pamela Anderson
dear god, I just saw a photo of her with Tommy Lee.
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