Why Did Britney Shave Her Head?

Gentle readers, thank you for your patience. (With every passing hour that I have not had a chance to post, I fear an angry mob with torches and pitchforks outside my building.) Anyhoo, let's cut to the chase and address the burning question of the moment: WTF is going on with Britney Spears and why did she shave her head?
Right now, Chiron, the planetoid of wounding and inner pain, is transiting Britney's Aquarius Moon, which represents her image of herself as a woman and mother as well as her image of her own mother. By shaving her head, Britney was reportedly acting out in defiance against her mother, who was angry about her ditching rehab in less than a day {Source} -- and, of course, she was reacting against her hyper-feminine (Moon) public image (Aquarius). See Britney Spears' birth chart (Astrotheme)
Transiting Mars in Capricorn is also conjunct Britney's Venus, which likewise is suggestive of an act of aggression or hostility against her own femininity. This Mars-Venus aspect can stir up strong passions, both sexual and anger-fueled. As Britney's natal Venus is in the 4th house of family, there again is an indication that her buzz cut signifies an act of rage against her mother.
Mars is also trining Britney's natal Mars, further riling up her temper and tempting her to act impulsive. And it squares Britney's Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the 1st house, prompting her to assert herself with a "You're not the boss of me" defiance against authority. Britney is really bound and determined to rebel against the structures in her life right now, whether that means her mother and family or the music-industry machine that called the shots in her life for so many years.
With transiting Neptune trining her Saturn, Britney's boundaries are blurred; she has lost clear perspective on the structure she needs in her life, and is allowing herself to escape from responsibilities. But without the self-discipline of Saturn, which rules her natal Mars in Capricorn, Britney is like a rudderless boat.
Saturn is sextiling its natal position from now until June, with the aspect exact in mid-March, then again on May 15 after retrograde Saturn turns direct. This could be Britney's last chance to get back on track before her Saturn return, when she really has to face the consequences of the life path she's chosen. Shaving it may have been a symbolic act of catharsis, but what Britney needs to deal with now is the contents of her head.
Never fear, gentle readers, this isn't the last word on our girl by far. More to come on Britney soon.
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Labels: Britney Spears
Excellent analysis. Sometimes I forget to look at Chiron, but here -- along with the Mars transit -- it's pretty key.
thanks! I have Chiron on my moon, so.. it's hard to forget about it ;)
Hello. I am just catching up after traveling. (during retro at that!) I am fairly sure Larry Birkhead was born 01/22/1973. He seems to be from Louisville, KY, but I am not sure he was born there. Dannielynn's birth certificate does not show a time of birth. I haven't seen it reported elsewhere. Anna was born in Harris County, so reports of her being born in Mexia are incorrect. Mexia is in Limestone County.
kitty, i hope that shaving her head means that she hit the rock bottom and now can only go up. please make more updates about britney. im really scared that she migh loose the kids. that would definitely kill her. where is justin righ now? he should be there for her at least as a friend.
Pluto, so glad to have you back!! THANKS for the Birkhead info! I read that Anna's mom said she lied about being from Mexia b.c it suited her rags to riches story but dont know where she was actually born..
Yes, more Britney coverage coming soon, anonymous squeaky wheel!! ;)
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