Larry Birkhead's Birth Chart
here is a birth chart for Larry Birkhead, the father of Anna Nicole Smith's
baby girl Dannielynn.
See Larry Birkhead's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy, no birth time)
As has been noted by a few of you attentive readers, Larry shares a birthday, January 22, with Anna's late son, Daniel Smith. See Daniel Smith's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy, no birth time) His connections to Anna herself include his Mercury conjunct her Mars and his Neptune on her Sun, which suggests the dynamic of secrets or deception between them. See Anna Nicole Smith's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy, birth time conjectured) Anna seems to have gone out of her way to delude and misinform Larry about being the father of Dannielynn (and quite possibly about her relationship with Howard K. Stern, whom Anna pals have alleged she was never really interested in romantically).
Stay tuned for a full analysis, as promised, of the synastry between Larry and Dannielynn, and what it says about the sincerity of his intentions as a parent.
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Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Dannielynn Birkhead, Larry Birkhead
If you go to wiki Larry Birkhead and you click on the footnote of his birth date it leads you to some ancestor/public records type site with a whole list of Birkheads from Louisville KY, but it won't let me open anything. :-(
keep up the good work ~Andie
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