Is Eddie Murphy Mel B's Baby-Daddy?
Eddie Murphy was DNA-tested in Bev Hills Monday re: whether he is Scary Spice's baby-daddy, as was the baby girl in question, Angel Iris Murphy Brown. This reminded me to post a follow-up to my post on A.I.M.B.'s birth chart, analyzing her connections with Eddie's. As previously noted, Eddie and Mel B's baby daughter share a birthday, and the similarities between their horoscopes may shed some light on the question of paternity.
Serendipitously, TMZ just posted the infant's birth certificate, which shows a birth time of 00:11am (as reader Pluto noted that Us Weekly reported), so I have revised the birth chart to reflect this time. See Angel Iris Murphy Brown's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy; updated 6/12/07 with corrected birth time)
First of all, as with any two people who share a birthday, Eddie's and Angel's Suns are conjunct, in this case in Aries. See Eddie Murphy's birth chart (Astrotheme) This certainly indicates a certain core similarity to their personalities.
In this case, Eddie and Angel also have their Mercurys conjunct, in Pisces -- an aspect that is not common to all people with the same birthday. They have a similar way of thinking; with the mental connection in empathic Pisces, they may find that if and when they do establish a family relationship, they easily develop a deep, unspoken understanding -- even a sort of psychic bond.
In her natal chart, Angel Iris has Saturn, representing responsibility and the father principle, opposite delusionary Neptune and wounded Chiron. The lack of certainty regarding her paternity may bring A.I.M.B. a sense of rejection and hurt. Moreover, Eddie's natal Saturn at 28° Capricorn lies on Angel's Mars-Pluto midpoint; she may have a fair amount of anger toward him for the way he has failed to step up to the plate about being her dad. Despite -- or perhaps because of -- their similar personalities, Angel may lash out at Eddie or act out in defiance of his authority.
All that said, with her natal Saturn in Leo trine her powerful chart ruler, Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 1st house, suggests that her father (or, perhaps, his fame) may be a source of support and growth potential in Angel's life. Eddie has said that if the paternity test comes out positive, he will take responsibility for his daughter; perhaps it's yet possible for them to forge the genuine connection of kindred spirits that their Sun-Mercury conjunctions hint at. Their relationship may always be fraught with tension -- after all, this is two Aries butting heads we're talking about here -- but if they can get past the anger, they can touch each other's lives in a meaningful way.
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Eddie Murphy, Mel B
aw....I got a tear lol ~Andie
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