Celeb Birthdays: July 2

Actress/"singer"/sterling role model Lindsay Lohan turns 21 today in rehab. I think the irony of her just now reaching legal drinking age has been sufficiently noted in the media. Any interest in a b-day reading, or is everybody Lilo'd out? I welcome your input, gentle readers! Read CelebAstroBlogy articles about Lindsay Lohan
Singer-actress Ashley Tisdale (High School Musical) is 22.
Fabulous figure skating diva Johnny Weir is 23.
Musician Michelle Branch is 24. See Michelle Branch's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Former Evanescence drummer Rocky Gray is 33.
Actress Yancy Butler (Witchblade) is 37, as is rapper Monie Love. See Yancy Butler's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Baseball player Jose Canseco is 43. See Jose Canseco's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Supermodel Jerry Hall is 51. See Jerry Hall's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Keyboardist Roy Bittan of the E Street Band is 58. See Roy Bittan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Writer-comedian Larry David (Curb Your Enthusiasm) is 60. See Larry David's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy, no birth time) ~ Read CelebAstroBlogy articles about Larry David
Actor Ron Silver is 61. See Ron Silver's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actress Polly Holliday (Flo), who is evidently still alive, is 70.
Race car driver Richard Petty is 70. And no, I don't care. Kinda interesting chart, though... See Richard Petty's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com and/or Wikipedia. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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Labels: Cancer Celebrity Birthdays, Larry David, Lindsay Lohan
Oh, I never tire of LiLo, but lets wait until she gets out of rehab, starts another needy romance or does something slightly mature. You know, something shocking like that....
Kitty T-
I, for one, would like a reading on LiLo, since unlike She Who Must Not Be Named, she actually has talent, and seems to be taking this rehab stint seriously- let's hope Britney follows her example. Also, a chart might show how "friendly" she and DJ Samantha are.
Reader T
hehe - ok so we have one for and one against? BTW, Samantha Ronson is a Leo Sun sign, that is all I have been able to find out about her.. she responded to my message on Myspace saying so and also that came up for Pluto I believe.. I think her Sun may conjunct LL's Venus.
Honestly, I've never really been interested in Lohan. Her teeny bopper stuff was too young for me and I only started hearing her name in connection with partying. The best I was able to figure on Samantha was 08/77. I never found a solid date. (although I can't say I really looked that hard either) I'd rather hear about Brit and her mom.
So far as Chris Benoit, I figured I would just wait and see what they put on his headstone since I don't have much extra time at the moment. I've never seen a date be that far off, but the public recs could be wrong too. Did you look at the two charts to see how you feel about them?
Nothing to do with Lindsay but I was wondering... has anyone heard that Christina Aguilera is pregnant? Well, if you hadn't now you know. E! announced the news today. In recent concert pics you can definitely notice a large bump. Kitty- was anything predicted recently in regards to Christina and her future family life? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the news! THANKS
I haven't had a chance to sit down and look at the two Chris Benoit charts yet, but I hope to have some time this weekend. Please let me know if you do hear/uncover anything one way or the other.
Thanks for everyone's feedback re: LiLo. I may just peek at her chart when time permits and see if something jumps out that is worthy of comment.
P.S. Pluto: I'm trying to find Lynne Spears' birthplace... any ideas?
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