Lindsay Lohan: Driving Under the Influence of Inconjuncts

I am starting to really love this Lindsay Lohan girl. I mean, she is just barreling down the track toward train-wreck-dom and absolutely refuses to be derailed. You have to admire that kind of unstoppable determination! Anyhoo, for those who still feel that her incorrigible behavior requires some sort of explanation above and beyond "She is Lindsay Lohan," I thought today's DUI bust would be a good occasion to take a peep at her transit chart and see what's going on in her stars. (Note to Alexa, the reader who said she'd rather hold out for an incident report than read a birthday forecast for LiLo … look, you didn't have to wait very long!)
When Lindsay last checked herself into rehab after her Memorial Day weekend bust, as longtime readers will recall, I discussed at length the role of rebellious, volatile Uranus in her DUI drama. {Full story} Right now, transiting retrograde Uranus in addictive, self-destructive Pisces is forming a tense, unstable yod with Lindsay's Venus in Leo and Mars in Capricorn. See Lindsay Lohan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) Venus in Leo natives demand fierce loyalty and a lot of attention. The details unfolding in the latest incident suggest that Lindsay was busted while in hot pursuit of a personal assistant who had quit hours earlier. {Source} In an attempt to demand this the-world-revolves-around-me loyalty (Venus in Leo) and assert her authority (Capricorn) over her employee, Lindsay may well have been impelled to act out (Uranus) aggressively (Mars).
Echoing this theme, transiting Mars in stubborn Taurus is square Lindsay's natal Venus, again stirring up tension in relationships, as well as trine her natal Mars (making outbursts of temper hard to control) and inconjunct natal Uranus--which again suggests acting out to release tension.

Another inconjunct aspect is found between transiting Jupiter and Lindsay's Sun, suggesting that she is feeling stuck in her growth path. Inconjuncts signify adjustment--but often one has to wrap one's mind around a new perspective, or make some compromises, to achieve this adjustment in a meaningful way. Evidently even with an extended stay in rehab, Lindsay was unable, or unready, to make the adjustment to a new, sober lifestyle.
Unpredictable transiting Uranus is also squaring Lindsay's natal Chiron in Gemini. Chiron represents an inner wounding, and given Gemini's rulership of cars and vehicles, it seems apt that LiLo's cries for help always seem to happen behind the wheel. With the self-undoing nature of Uranus in Pisces, it seems likely that Linds is on some level deliberately sabotaging herself as an act of hurt and defiance. A rumored "cutter," she may use self-destructive behavior as a "coping mechanism," such as it is, to deal with pressure. And with all those inconjuncts and squares, the poor lass is certainly under a great deal of pressure these days.
LiLo's rep has announced that she is back in treatment at an undisclosed facility, but as I have previously discussed, I don't think she's ready to really clean up her act just yet. If for no other purpose than PR, she may remain in this revolving-door rehab pattern for quite some time, likely the next couple of years. {Full story} That is, unless she crashes and burns once and for all--which would sadden me greatly, since, as I said above, I am starting to really love this girl.
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Labels: Lindsay Lohan
More troubles times for Lilo yet. As if she needs more…
The media are going to love this the next few years.
You said: "she is just barreling down the track toward train-wreck-dom and absolutely refuses to be derailed. You have to admire that kind of unstoppable determination!" Now thats the Taurean Moon perseverance! Thanks for another amusing report.
p.s I'm just now starting to realize what a malefic Uranus can be. Lilo is the astrological poster child for it.
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