Neptune and Amy Winehouse's Dysfunctional Relationship

Although I'd like to believe that Amy Winehouse has turned a corner since her recent (brief) rehab stint, I can't help but raise my extremely prominent eyebrows at her troubling behavior of late, like sporting scratches all over her arms and allegedly trashing a hotel suite. Despite the help she has received (if you can call being shoved into treatment by the record label that was obviously desperate for her to go to the Grammys and get publicity "help"), Amy seems to be lost without her incarcerated husband Blake Fielder-Civil, and teetering on the brink of losing it completely. Just why is this tremendous talent letting a total zero drag her down?
Back in August I wrote about Amy's long-term transit of Uranus in Pisces opposing her Sun in Virgo, making for a volatile and confused atmosphere that will continue for at least a couple more years from now. {Read the full story} Not only is that transit still creating upheaval, but transiting Neptune -- the planet of addiction, delusion, and confusion -- is forming an opposition with Amy's Venus (relationships) and Mars (drive). See Amy Winehouse's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Amy's natal Venus -- it should come as no surprise to anyone witnessing her unhealthy codependent relationship -- is retrograde, and conjunct her Mars in Leo, meaning she needs a lot of attention in relationships and thrives on drama.
Right now, the Neptune opposition is exacerbating the drama-filled tendency of this natal position, taking it in a self-destructive direction, and casting a cloud of intoxication over the situation to obscure reality further. Amy is clearly wrapped up in the sturm und drang of her relationship (Venus) with her ne'er-do-well hubby, and she is obviously floundering, with her motivation (Mars) sapped (canceling concerts, etc.) by the stress.
I can't find Blake's birth data online (not even his sign) but would LOVE if anyone were able to procure it and pass it on to me. It would definitely be interesting to see the dynamic creating the dysfunction junction between these two, and find out what kind of K-Fed-esque hold Blake magically maintains on Amy even as the rest of the world is like, "DUMP THE LOSER!!!"
But regardless of the aspects between their horoscopes, it seems like Neptune is fostering an unrealistic, misguided sense of tragic love that appeals to the over-the-top romanticism of Amy's Venus-Mars in Leo, deluded as it is by Neptune's influence. When the rest of us ask "What does she see in him?" the answer is that Neptune is clouding her perception. Well, that, and beer goggles.
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Labels: Amy Winehouse
Maybe the public and the media are being slightly unfair about Blake Fielder Civil.
This is a relationship that Amy apparently pursued with all her might - he'd dumped her previously, going back to an old girlfriend. And listening to her career peak album, it's clear that the intensity and pain from this relationship fed directly into her creativity, bringing her the worldwide fame and critical acclaim, that she now seems incapable of dealing with.
Without a doubt she's still on drugs. Those staring eyes...Sad
Thanks for your comment, Sarah. You make an interesting point that Amy has been driving this relationship rather than him manipulating her to stay w/him. I certainly am not denying that she is very much into him. But speaking as someone with a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, just because a relationship is intense and painful and inspires you creatively, doesn't mean you should stay in the relationship. ;)
I think Amy is drawn to peak experiences, both in relationships and in substances. Balance and moderation bore her; she wants the extremes, and embraces the lows because she believes you can't have the highs (literally and otherwise) without them.
Your comment makes me think: It's interesting to wonder where her persona as an artist ends and her life as a human being begins - with her wildly costumey hair/makeup just to go to the store for a pack of cigs, as well as her very public admission that real-life heartbreak inspired her masterpiece. I think Amy may be consciously using her life as fodder for her art, in some weird way - even if she is destroying herself in the process. Thoughts?
Jessica Biel 3/3/1982 Ely, MN @ 00:56 BC
I read an article in Newsweek defending Winehouse. It explained how unlike most celeb trainwreks Amy was most likely to create something tangible out of her- they use to call that art.
Love the site!
Blake Fielder-Civil dob 04/16/1982 not sure the city in the UK he was born in
Awesome, THANKS! I will definitely check it out. Please do let me know if you find the city. But at least I can look at his planets w/Amy's.
The marriage certificate justs says UK, but I imagine I could probably figure out a city....I just don't have time to look at the moment. If I get a chance I will poke around.
This is really strange, I was born exactly a week before Amy Winehouse so I share most of her "misery" planetary aspects, I must say, Im not going through the most cheerful of times in my relatively short life, but fortunately I do have more self-control, Ive never in my life taken any drugs, even cigarettes, alcohol consumption is rare, it probably helps that my moon is in Virgo as opposed to Amy's wild Sagittarius moon. I see a psychologist once in a few months and it helps, but I have trouble being consistant in any change I try to incorporate into my life..
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