Monday, February 13, 2006

Dick Cheney: The Buck Shots Here

I'm so happy that we live in a free, democratic society in which our leaders only shoot people in the course of the pursuit of happiness, leisure activity and, of course, enjoying their God-given right to bear arms. [CNN: "Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter"] Seriously, though, what is up with Cheney? Is he, as I have long suspected, a killer robot who eats old people's medicine for fuel? At the risk of attracting goverment surveillance to (hey, at least I could use the repeat traffic), I just had to take a gander at his chart.

Cheney's Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius, his Venus is in businesslike Capricorn, and his Jupiter-Saturn conjunction joins his Uranus in Taurus, none of which exactly does much to dispel the whole killer-robot notion. On the day of the incident, El Dicko was experiencing a rather violent aspect in transiting Mars just moving out of orb of a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus, and closely approaching a sextile (opportunity) to his Chiron (wounding) in the 11th house (friends and associates).

But other aspects show Cheney in his element, hitting his cosmic stride. Venus is approaching its natal position (the Venus return) and the Sun is approaching a conjunction to his natal Mercury, while transiting Mars is closing in on his Midheaven. Uranus, ruler of his Sun-Mercury, has just sextiled his powerful Jupiter-Saturn in Taurus in the 9th house, presenting risky new financial opportunities in foreign lands (gee). Honestly, this seems like rather a positive time for the Dickster overall. Nothing much in the way of the trauma or upheaval you'd expect from someone who was appalled to find himself responsible for a shocking, violent incident. I will leave it you, dear reader, to draw your own conclusions from this information, but I would not be surprised if Cheney's hunting acquaintance happened to be on some particularly delicious prescriptions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do the words "Dick Cheney" and "sex" (okay, it's sextile, but it has the word sex in it!) make the universe shudder?

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, like, um, does this mean that Mr. Vice President doesn't feel cosmic remorse? Was this accidental shooting less than accidental? Media Darling, what aren't you telling us?

3:32 PM  

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