Britney in the Breakdown Lane?

Oh, dear Britney, what is happening to you? With Neptune moving off your Moon and the glow fading from your so-called soulmate relationship with that skeezeball, I thought you were finally getting back in touch with your real feelings. The fact that your Moon is conjunct with that of your newborn son Cletus Jr., I mean Sean Preston; that your caring, responsible Mars in Virgo conjuncts his Sun; and that your Jupiter (growth and expansion) conjuncts baby SPF's Venus, gave me hope that you would be devoting a lot of energy to his physical and emotional needs, and reevaluating your own priorities in the process. While other bloggers (for instance, Perez Hilton) have decried your recent appearance as proof that you have just given up, I have until now willed myself to perceive it as evidence that you have matured and transcended such shallow, superficial concerns as hair, makeup, fashion and ... did I already say hair?
But in any case, there was no excusing your recent incident of driving with Sean on your lap. (CNN: "Britney defends driving with son on lap") Of course, with Uranus in Pisces squaring your Sun, outbursts of erratic behavior are possible. (Perhaps you shouldn't operate heavy machinery for the next few weeks?) And with transiting Mars in bull-headed Taurus inconjuncting Pluto, you probably really did feel overpowered by "physically aggressive paparazzi" (Mars rules physical aggression, Pluto power and control) and flee in panic ... but that impulse clearly backfired, as your instinct to protect your son actually put him in more danger.
Britney, you know I love your spontaneity. With the Sun, Mercury amd Uranus clustered in fiery Sagittarius, being impetuous is just part of who you are. But now that you're a mama, you need to tap into your Aquarius Moon's ability to detach emotionally and keep your cool. You can't just traipse through life letting those mutable-fire planets propel you where they will. Yes, Sagittarians are known for being free-spirited, but most of them don't go barefoot into gas station bathrooms.
Britney, with Mars in Taurus trining your natal Mars in Virgo (and your son's Sun), you have a nice window of opportunity in the first couple weeks of this month to change your habits and set out on a healthier, more consistent routine. Go to Mommy & Baby Yoga and release some of that stale negative energy left over from dealing with the mean photographers. It's important to lay that ground work now, in order to develop the inner resolve to deal with the second half of February through early March, when Uranus will be increasing its pressure on your Sun, making your day-to-day life feel even more out of control and chaotic. (Say, that would be a good name for some sort of televised documentary footage of your life...) Anyway, this is a pivotal moment, my dear. If you don't make an effort to center yourself and clear some of the chaos out of your life, you may well find yourself jerked around by Uranus, and no one wants that.
Labels: Britney Spears
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