Eating Crow

Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong just split up. Both of them kind of annoy me, especially her because she doesn't have a triumphant conquering-cancer story to make me feel guilty about being annoyed by her, so I'll keep this brief.
Basically, I don't know what they were thinking in the first place with an Aquarius-Virgo match-up. Neither has a confirmed birth time, so it's just possible they have some kind of vibe going with their rising signs, but all I see is a big clump of Virgo planets for Lance and a big clump of Aquarius for Sheryl. This isn't just apples and oranges, this is like apples and broccoli. Sure, Sheryl's Pluto in Virgo conjuncts Lance's Mercury, convincing him that she's, like, totally deep and wise, but he might feel that way about any older woman (at least one born in the early '60s with Pluto in Virgo). And, okay, Sheryl's moon is in earthy, nurturing, loyal Taurus, possibly trining Lance's Sun (this would require a birth time to confirm), which sorta explains what a grounded Virgo would see in such an airy chick. But ultimately there aren't the kind of significant resonances you would expect from two people in a lasting relationship, or capable of building one with each other.
Labels: Celebrity Couples
Well, maybe you will have that reason now with a triumphant conquering-cancer story to make you feel guilty about being annoyed by her. ;)
You are right of course about their synastry, and not the least of it is he wants to stay home more with the kids (he says anyway), while she needs to be on tour a lot. He also needs that endorphine fix and I understand he and Matthew McConnahey have been seen "hunting" endorphine supplies here in Austin. Sheryl likes horses and he like bikes. He says tomato and she says tomaatoe, etc.
Live from Austin, TX
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