Lindsay Lohan's World Hospital Tour

CNN confirmed today what I first saw on blogs a week ago: that Lindsay Lohan cut her leg at the London home of Bryan Adams and had to be rushed to a hospital for 10 stitches. According to skanky, enabling mother Dina:
"She and her friends were preparing breakfast, with eggs and everything, and Lindsay was going up the stairs, carrying a ceramic teacup. She had just come out of the shower so she was still wet and had some lotion on, and she completely flipped on the stairs since it was slippery. The teacup went flying, it was shattered, and one of the pieces cut Lindsay in her shin. It was an accident." (Source)
This raises so many questions that may be beyond even the grasp of astrology to resolve. To wit: What was Lindsay doing at Bryan Adams' place with her friends? What is Bryan Adams doing living in London? Is he still popular there or something? How was Lindsay preparing breakfast and in the shower at the same time? And how did her mother possess such eerie photographic recall of the incident, down to the consistency of L.Lo's lotioned skin?
But I digress. Perhaps what astrology can help shed some light on is the fact that Lindsay is in and out of hospitals the way most celebs stay in hotels. Already this year she's been an ER VIP in Miami and London, and that's not counting last year's incident when she fell victim to the celebrity exhaustion epidemic. Oh yeah, and she crashed her car a bunch of times. Since early 2005, erratic, accident-prone Uranus in Pisces has been trining Lindsay's sensitive Cancer Sun, a transit that makes it easy to get carried away with spontaneous behavior and disruptive changes. Uranus stationed in a trine to Lindsay's Sun in June 2005, around the time (as she revealed, then retracted in Vanity Fair) when she became scary-skinny due to self-destructive behavior. Things come easily to people when trines are active, sometimes too easily. The hyperspeed pace of her life changing with fame could be overwhelming to a sensitive young Cancer like Lindsay. Pisces rules addiction and self-undoing, and Lindsay may have been lashing out at herself in order to blot out intense feelings. With four planets in fire signs and Mars and Neptune in driven Capricorn, Lindsay is hardly a stereotypical reclusive, shrinking-violet Cancer, but as a water sign she certainly might internalize stress more than she even realizes.
Neptune in Aquarius has also been opposing Lindsay's Venus in Leo for the past year, during which she seems to have gone through a lot of relationship turbulence. Neptune clouds and confuses, even deludes, and with it afflicting her relationship planet, Lindsay may have had a complete lack of clarity around who really cares about her and is loyal to her (Venus in Leo), and who is just interested in her fame (Neptune in Aquarius).
On the day of the accident, transiting Mars in Capricorn was in a near-exact trine to Lindsay's natal retrograde Mars in Taurus. This is a time of high activity and energy, when drive and confidence come easily. Lindsay may have been rushing and so eager to get to the next thing that she lost her balance. Again, trines can incite you to bite off more than you can chew. Lindsay would be well advised to slow down and make an effort to be present in the moment, instead of always chasing after the next big thrill. Uranus' trine to her Sun will once again be exact around February 20, and it would be a real shame to see Lindsay land in yet another hospital. Let's hope she uses this water-sign energy creatively rather than self-destructively.
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
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