Aniston Rising

Say what you will about Jennifer Aniston; the girl has had a tough year. On the occasion of her 37th birthday tomorrow, February 11, I took a look at her solar return chart to see what 2006 has in store for the relentlessly perky Aquarius.
After a publicly tumultuous 2005 during which she struggled to find her ground, Jen hits her stride with this birthday. Her solar return chart shows all four angles in the same signs as they are in her birth chart (Aries rising, Cancer Midheaven), which suggests that this year she will come into her own, feeling comfortable and confident with who she is. Jupiter in Scorpio is rising, lending her an optimistic outlook (if perhaps a cautious one). Venus in long-term-planner Capricorn conjunct the 4th house cusp of home and foundation suggests that this year Jen could put down roots by purchasing a permanent home.
Indicators for romance and/or pregnancy are mixed. The Sun is conjunct the 5th house cusp of romance, creativity and childbearing, so Jen could have her heart set on a sweetheart and/or babies. And the Moon is in romantic Leo, which rules the 5th house, another maternal indicator. But the Moon is in the 10th house of career, conjunct Saturn, the planet of responsibility and limitation. So Jen's jones for true love and babies could once again run into roadblocks due to her professional life and her desire to be in the spotlight. Saturn opposes Chiron in Aquarius in the 4th house, suggesting Jennifer's ability to open her heart could be limited by her fear of getting hurt again -- and publicly.
Will Vince be the man to heal her wounds? Well, his Venus trines her Moon and conjuncts her 7th house cusp of relationships as well as her Saturn, suggesting she feels like she can rely on him and he really cares for her. And his Sun and Mercury are conjunct her Venus, so there is easy communication in their relationship. He is supportive of her and gets an ego boost from her affections. Furthermore, their Moons are both in Sagittarius (though out of orb of a conjunction), so they are emotionally simpatico and have a lot of fun together. Still, with all that said, two Venus in Aries and Moon in Sagittarius people are not the most commitment-bound couple. There's a lot of fire in this relationship, but not much grounding it (except perhaps Vince's loyal Mars in Taurus, in mutual reception with his Venus). It may be that Jen is enjoying the passionate sparks of their connection, and Vince is bringing out the impulsive, adventurous side of her Aries and Sag planets. But living in the moment may be part of the appeal of this match. They're enjoying the now, but over time, the sparks may fizzle.
Labels: Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn
Oh good, I hope this is the year that Jennifer gets over herself and stops playing the victim. I'm so tired of hearing all that "Team Aniston" hoopla. Let's just all admit that it takes 2 to ruin a relationship and that Brad and Jen were never so committed. Not that I don't wish Jennifer the best in her single life, I do. I just don't want to hear anymore "poor me" outta that one.
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