George Clooney: Not the Marrying Kind

George Clooney's 45th birthday is coming up on May 6, and love him or hate him (I find myself grudgingly respecting him for his politics and candor, despite my annoyance at his smugness), you have to admit he's a stubborn Taurus who sticks to his guns. With the Sun conjunct Mercury (thought and communication) in Taurus in the 2nd house of values (Taurus' natural comfort zone), he's very smart in a canny, pragmatic way. See George Clooney's birth chart (Astrotheme) And he always speaks what's on his mind. Or does he?
One of the many things George has been up front about is that after one failed attempt, he will never marry again. And while he may come off as a dreamy romantic to wishful-thinking women like Teri Hatcher thanks to that Pisces Ascendant, his sensitive rising sign is masking Venus in self-centered Aries in the 1st house—which suggests that he indeed is perfectly happy being independent and commitment-free, and in fact would probably prefer that women not sleep over after having sex with him.
But what about the rumors that the reason George isn't the marrying kind might be that, well, he is of the kind that can't get married (except in Massachusetts)? Now, this is actually kind of interesting in light of some of the aspects in his natal chart.
Deceptive Neptune in the 8th house of sexuality, retrograde in the highly sexual sign of Scorpio, is the ruler of George's Pisces Ascendant, and opposes his Sun. Chiron, the planet of wounding, conjuncts the Ascendant from the secretive 12th house, where it joins the South Node, a kind of karmic weak point. There might be some skeletons in the Clooney closet.
The Moon in ambitious Capricorn in the 11th house of the public and mass opinion conjuncts its ruler, repressive Saturn, dignified in its own sign of Capricorn. This adds to the pragmatism of George's Taurus Sun and Mercury, and makes him detached and restrained when it comes to expressing his feelings. With Mars in Leo in the 5th house forming an almost exact out-of-sign opposition to Saturn, there is definitely some intense passion inside him bursting to express itself, but it may be stifled by his ambitions as well as by his general emotional repression.
With Uranus having just crossed his Ascendant, this is doubtless a time of upheaval for George, during which he is finding his sense of self thrown for a loop. In mid-June, Uranus will station and turn retrograde, crossing George's Ascendant again in mid-September, then again moving forward in January 2007. If indeed the Cloon has been leading a secret double life, repressing his true feelings, it could all burst out in the open now. It will be very interesting to watch what happens in George's personal life over the next several months. Hey, he's won an Oscar, he's pretty much at the point in his career when he can pick his projects, and he's a man who's known for standing up for his principles... why not be who he wants to be and let the chips fall where they may?
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