More Warning Signs for Lindsay Lohan

In last week's item on Lindsay Lohan, I discussed the SNL cast's concern for her well-being. However, I neglected to note the full effect of this coming week's grand trine in water signs on La Lindsay. The planetary influences could bring out her addictive tendencies in a big way.
As Mars crosses Lindsay's Sun in Cancer tomorrow, it will be forming a trine aspect (a harmonious, flowing aspect) to retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Pisces. This grand trine, a triangle-shaped configuration that unites all three signs of the same element, makes things come very easily to Linds... but with the water signs, the overreaching of Jupiter, and the volatility of Uranus, this could mean gratifying her more self-destructive urges.
If Lindsay does not want to wake up in yet another hospital bed, or worse yet, in the bed of someone even less attractive than Brett Ratner, she will need to seriously check herself for the next couple of weeks. We're talking eat something before you start drinking, honey!!! And switch to water as soon as the urge to have intercourse with someone who looks like Brett Ratner arises. This grand trine will be in effect until mid-May-ish, so my advice to Linds would be to steer clear of the hard-core party circuit for a while. It's for your own good, my dear: Friends don't let friends hook up with fat older skeezeballs!
Lindsay Lohan: Intervention Time Again! (4/23/06)
Lindsay Lohan's World Hospital Tour (2/1/06)
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