Is Britney Finally Done With Kevin?

This really could be the biggest week in celebrity news ever. Not only were we blessed by the birth of Shiloh Nouvel "New Messiah" Jolie-Pitt (and let us not forget poor, forgotten Kingston Rossdale), but there are also murmurs that the other most eagerly anticipated event in the star stratosphere may come to pass:
"AFTER just 20 stormy months of marriage, Britney Spears has finally had enough of her loser husband Kevin Federline.
For weeks they've been leading separate lives. Now their relationship is so strained that Britney - who is pregnant with their second child - has banished 28-year-old Federline to a self-contained "bachelor" flat in the basement of their Californian mansion....
Ominously, her spokesman refused to deny claims...that she thinks her second marriage is over and wants a divorce....
According to a close friend of Britney, she had hoped that her marriage could survive at least until the birth of their second child in October.
We hear: 'She wanted to wait, but their relationship has become so hostile she just doesn't see how she can make it work.'" {Source}
Lord knows we've been burned before by getting our hopes up that Britney will finally sever the purse strings and G-strings connecting her to Kevin. (Remember when she had his Ferrari repossessed? That was so awesome. And then it was returned with custom "Federline" rims? That was so lame.) But there is a chance this could really be happening.
I almost never look at K-Fed's chart other than in relation to Britney, but it is worth noting that Venus (love, money and possessions) is passing over his Chiron, the planet of wounding, in Taurus, the money sign. His financial and/or relationship situation is causing him some pain. And Jupiter is crossing his Uranus in Scorpio, possibly auguring a reversal of fortune. Scorpio happens to be the sign that rules sex and other people's money. See Kevin Federline's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Meanwhile, Britney has Pluto sextiling its natal position, passing over her Neptune, and squaring her 12th-house Mars. This represents a time of transformation during which she sees the truth about her illusions come to light, and makes profound changes in her sometimes self-destructive M.O. (Mars in the 12th house). Britney could really be taking to heart all the media attention (Neptune) about her being a bad caregiver (Virgo) and undermining her baby's well-being (12th house). See Britney Spears' birth chart (Astrotheme)
Jupiter is retrograde and will make its last conjunction to Kevin's Uranus in mid-September (which could well be around the baby's actual birth date, considering how celebs like to pad their due dates). It's quite possible he could hang on till then in his basement lair, lurking in the corners of Britney's life. But Pluto has a way of unearthing the truth, and it won't be long before our beloved Britney sees the light about her marriage.
Britney Spears, Serial Mom (5/10/06)
Britney: Baby One More Time? (4/29/06)
Sweet Jesus, Is Britney Pregnant Again?! (3/8/06)
Britney in Retrograde (2/16/06)
Britney in the Breakdown Lane? (2/8/06)
Labels: Britney Spears, Celebrity Couples, Kevin Federline
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