Water Signs and the Kennedy Curse

This week I have been discussing the grand water trine between Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Pisces and its effects on the likes of such stars as Lindsay Lohan and Kimora Lee Simmons, which may include a tendency to overindulge in addictive substances and a palpable hyperemotional atmosphere of sauna-like intensity. With this in mind, an astute reader emailed me with an excellent question:
Oooh, speaking of that drug overdose/emotional meltdown water sign trine... do you think that had anything to do with Patrick Kennedy's car crash and stuff? I love the Kennedys so go easy on me with this one if you have any bad opinions on it...
Don't worry; being a Masshole, I am incapable of hating on the Kennedys too much. But you are absolutely right about the grand water trine affecting Representative Patrick J. Kennedy, who is a Cancer with Scorpio rising. See Patrick J. Kennedy's birth chart (Astrotheme) With Neptune in the 1st house exactly trining his Cancer Sun, he is very susceptible to addictive tendencies (he has already fessed up to cocaine use earlier in life), and the current grand water trine is exacerbating this aspect to the point of endangerment. He has admitted to addiction to prescription pills and claims not to remember crashing his car in the middle of the night. So far no alcohol has been confirmed to be involved; he denies drinking, but officers say he appeared to be intoxicated and no breathalyzer test was given [Source], so you can make assumptions as you will.
Kennedy also says that he suffers from bipolar disorder (which often goes hand in hand with addiction, since people self-medicate). This may be shown in his chart by the Moon-Mars conjunction in Libra in the 12th house squaring his Sun, signifying a struggle for balance within the deepest recesses of his subconscious mind and a tendency toward self-destructiveness that seems to flare up out of nowhere.
At the time of the accident, 2:45 AM on May 4, 2006 in Washington, DC [Source], Mars in Cancer was approaching a retrograde conjunction to his natally retrograde Mercury in Cancer, while Uranus in Pisces exactly trined his Mercury. Both of these aspects could signify accidents (Mercury rules driving and transportation), especially with drugs involved; Uranus is in Pisces, which rules addiction and altered states of consciousness, as well as the subconscious. For someone with bipolar disorder, the transiting grand trine activating Mercury and the Ascendant could bring a manic episode. Jupiter, the third planet in the grand water trine, was retrograding back toward a conjunction with his Scorpio Ascendant, and loosely conjuncting Neptune, ruler of Pisces and another signifier of drugs and addiction.
Meanwhile, transiting Mercury in impulsive, Mars-ruled Aries was opposing his natal Mars (another accident-prone aspect), and Venus at 0° Aries was making an out-of-sign conjunction to his natal Chiron, the planet of wounding, at 29° of the self-destructive, addictive sign of Pisces. Saturn was approaching a conjunction to his natal Jupiter in Leo, indicating that the hand of authority was about to set some limits on his ebullient behavior. Rehab is definitely a wise option for someone with so many 12th-house issues. In July, when Jupiter stations on his Ascendant, Patrick J.K. will be able to move forward with a new phase in his life.
Of course, the Kennedys have had their trouble with water signs and addiction. Patrick's Pisces father, Ted Kennedy, has long been the subject of rumors about drinking. See Ted Kennedy's birth chart (Astrotheme) On the night of the notorious Chappaquiddick incident, which involved alleged drinking, a car accident and a drowning, there was another trine in water signs. The Sun in Cancer trined retrograde Neptune (water, addiction) in Scorpio (secrets) and formed a grand trine with Ted's North Node in Pisces. Transiting Mercury in Cancer was on Ted's Pluto, possibly indicating that he used his family power for a cover-up.
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