The 5 Most Intriguing Celebrity Searches of the Month: April

Although I have worked in the online industry for what seems like an eternity now and have always hated and dreaded any part of the job that forces me to crunch traffic reports, now that I have this blog I am mildly obsessed with them. It is strangely fascinating to see what people are searching for on search engines that brings them to Celeb AstroBlogy. I often wonder who these people are and why they care about these subjects (ironic, perhaps, as I am the one who has actually written about them).
As April has just drawn to a close, I thought it would be fun to share the top 5 search terms—not in terms of popularity, mind you (those would be, as usual, Angelina's due date, Britney, and J.Lo)—but those that brought me personally the most amusement and curiosity.
Here, then, are April's top 5 most intriguing search strings, arbitrarily determined by Kitty, with links to the articles that contained these keywords.
• why is heather locklear mad at denise richards - Um, hello, do you have to ask?
• up to date celeb nipple slips - I'm sure this person was very disappointed after clicking on this result.
• 7 people searched for dolly lama, which made me happy.
• george stephanopoulos is a hottie - Yes. Yes, he is.
• is paula abdul crazy? - Yes. Yes, she is.
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